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I slash the weeds and vines that threatened to hold me, to hurt me. I couldn't bear to lose this fight now. Not when I was so close to winning. I keep slashing at them, my sword arm beginning to grow tired. Give up, I hear the vines whisper in my head, give up to us. Never! I push out to them, as long as I can help it I will win.

The vines grow angry at that and give their full attention at trying to get me. I slash as hard and as quick as I can, fear rampant in my veins and thoughts. If I die now... No, I won't go there. I push forward, slashing at them with ease. I'm not backing down. 

Just as I head to the opening of the cave, a wayward vines hooks around my leg. I grit my teeth and pull hard to shake it loose. No. I keep going with no regard for the stubborn vine around my leg. Let it be, it's useless. I take on step towards the everlasting, breathtaking light and that's when they act. 

The vine wrapped around my leg pulls me backwards. Losing my balance, I crash onto the hard floor of the cave. No! The other vines wrap around my other leg and my arms, sealing my fate. With a heart wrenching cry, I get sucked backwards into the darkness.

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