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I frown at the spirits of the dead who try to crawl back to their bodies in hopes of reuniting with their families. When will they learn not many get to go back? When will they learn that try as I might, some souls I cannot return? I have slaved with the shadows to give them a peaceful place to rest their weary souls. Sometimes I wonder if it was ever worth it.

It is worth it, they cannot escape me no matter how they try. Even the living who fear and hate me, they cannot escape my welcoming arms. It is the way of Life and Death, I'm inevitable. I have been courted by the villains throughout history who wish to hasten my empire. My empire needs no hastening; I shall welcome all in time. 

I rather them live a long life than a short one. I welcome them all, praising those neutral souls who have accomplished so much and punishing those who have taken my job away from me. I'm on the side of heroes, knowing that I may never be welcomed but welcoming them nevertheless. If they must fear and hate me to live their lives to the fullest, then so be it. I have and will take their hatred with glorious pride; for who am I to crush them for their misgivings?

Who am I to be ungrateful? Who am I to be judgmental to them? I follow the rules of the Universe and the Universe judges them all fairly. I look back at the spirits and wrap my arms around each of them, whispering sweet nothings in their ears to calm them. They are my children, my brethren, my family, my everything. They are the ones who feed me, who clothe me, who love me--even if they do not know they do--, who have given me the very shelter in which I reside in.

I am grateful to all who are living and dead, for without them I'd be nothing but a thought.

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