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Looking at the endless sky in front of me, I fly carefree. Loving the way the wind ruffles my feathers, I spread my wings out more. I let out a scream that I'm sure is heard down below. I swerve left and right, savoring the rush of adrenaline that pumps through me. If I could do this forever, I would. To be free, to be flying high in the air.

I turn on my back, flying backwards and yet forwards at the same time. I close my eyes, knowing that the open sky won't harm me. I turn onto my stomach again and open my eyes, quickly dropping a couple of feet just for fun. I see a cloud and I go to fly into it.

"Mr. Peters!" I snap back to reality at the sound of my teacher's shrilly voice. I look up at her frowning at me and taping her watch. I grimace, "Sorry." I'm painfully aware of my feet touching the ground as I sit in the small desk. It was such a nice daydream...

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