29 | Commando

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Opening my eyes they instantly settled on the head of tangled hair laid upon my chest.

I smiled at Amelia's body wrapped around mine. Her arms curled around my chest and our legs were intertwined.

She wore my discarded dress shirt, but it rose up giving me the perfect view of her round ass and silky legs. My dick hardened at the sight.

I carefully maneuvered myself from underneath the woman on top of me. She let out a soft groan and instantly turned over cuddling up to the pillow next to her. Smiling at the sight I went to my dresser to throw on some boxers and sweatpants.  Looking back to Amelia on my bed I couldn't help but think about what it'd be like to wake up everyday to the sight in front of me.

If we hadn't met the way we did, If she hadn't grown to resent me. Would this have happened sooner?

Shaking my head I made my way into the kitchen to make some coffee. I'd be lying if I wasn't worried about her reaction when she woke up. Would she regret it? Run out of here?

Fuck. I hated that the thought of her wanting nothing to do with me after last night hurt. It hurt. I had never been so engrossed by one woman. Never wanted to see the same eyes every morning. But with Amelia... I could start to see it.

Turning my head to the soft sound of footsteps I met the eyes of Amelia walking into the kitchen. I searched her face for anything, she looked relaxed.

"Want a cup?" I asked, smirking softly and bringing another mug down from the cabinet to pour a cup for her.

"Sure," she said softly leaning against the kitchen island. She still wore my shirt, her legs bare and she had a slight blush on her cheeks. Her hair looked lightly brushed as if she had run her hands through it. Her blue eyes were bright and wary, I could see the thoughts swirling behind them.

Focusing back on the coffee, I made sure to not spill it as I poured the hot liquid into the mug. Grabbing the handle I turned to Amelia walking up to her. Her arms were crossed and her back to the counter as I leaned down, placing the mug behind her. I kept both my arms on either side of her resting my hands on the island caging her in.

Her eyes focused on my face and I smiled.

"How did you sleep," I asked in a slight whisper leaning into her so that our mouths were inches apart. Her eyes instantly closed, mouth parting.

"Good," she said softly, opening her eyes just a bit.

"That's good." Now my eyes were focused just on her lips. She watched as I slowly closed the space between us, settling my lips onto her own. I pecked her lips lightly, successfully taking her breath away and even my own. My dick twitched at the slight gasp she let out.

Pulling back I smiled turning to go make my own coffee.

"Creamer?" I asked while searching my fridge for the cream. "Yes please," she answered, still not moving from her spot.

We both made our coffees in silence, it was so thick I could cut it. None of us wanted to talk about last night. I watched as she moved from the kitchen settling into the living room looking out to the NYC skyline. I followed her, sitting beside her curled up form reaching for the TV remote.

I turned on the tv sipping my coffee and felt her turn as well. I set my mug down, moving my eyes to her beside me only to find her already looking at me. She looked conflicted and confused, her eyebrows were furrowed together and her grip on the mug tight.

"Fuck it," she said and as quick as she set the mug down she was straddling my legs. Her mouth crashed onto mine and I welcomed the gesture with pleasure. Wrapping my arms around her tightly, her body slowly grinded to the movement of our mouths. Her hands tugged at my hair and I let out a moan. Fuck, my dick was aching at this point.

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