1. The Obvious Catastrophe

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"Be careful how you treat a good woman, she will love you beyond reality, will treat you like you are her whole universe while she is just a mere star, be more loyal than the rest, will fall apart but she will still have your back, will forgive you beyond quotidian capacity but one day she won't be the giver anymore."

Everybody has a breaking point, even the best of us. There will be a time when each of us will be required to draw a line between determination and desperation. There will be a time when the soul would be drained of all the strength that it has been carrying for years, when all the walls of nonchalance would shatter into bits of concrete. 

Mishti Rajvansh is a woman stuck between a strong mind and a fragile heart. She will go miles for her kiths and kins, she won't cogitate even for a second before immolating her life for them. The petite woman is way more resolute than people expect her to be. She will be broken inside but you will never know because she wears a facade of resilience, so opaque that it's almost impossible to peer through it. But it was about time, her pot of miseries was overburdened now, even a diminutive hit would fulminate it into specks of agony and outbursts.

 "Demons from past and trepidations that procure a place in a juvenile heart should not be triggered persistently because old scars bleed to an extent that the only thing left between the layers of skin is void."

 Mishti has been made to feel desolated time and again by the people she loved. The constant fear of abandonment clinged to her heart with a grip stronger than her breathes did. People have made her feel things that they were too weak to reciprocate, nobody bestowed her with the kind of security and care that she required, that she would always provide them with. Every time she hopes for things to get better, she falls, with no one there to catch her. So she hits the ground broken and alone. 

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil."

                                            -Thomas Mann
There's a limit to the amount of misery and disarray you will put up with. Her equation with Kuhu has always been uncertain and she was used to her qualms and obsession of blaming her for anything wrong that happened in her life. As calm as Mishti always tried to be, there's a limit to everything, especially tolerance. This was one of those rare times when Mishti chastised kuhu for her unsubstantiated blames and to her dismay everybody ended up asking her to be the bigger one to maintain peace and sanity in the family. Her husband held her equally responsible for the chaos despite of knowing how kuhu blamed her for no fault of hers and her bade Papa who inculcated the value of self respect in her conscience just told her that she had let him down and wounded his pride. 

So for the sake of their blithe she decided to set things right. While she consented to Kuhu's idea of putting up an act yet again, she was still apprehensive about it but kuhu assured her claiming that this was the only way. But Abir being the acute and perceptive guy that he is could figure out that something was amiss and it was a matter of 50 minutes that their plan unveiled and without a hitch Kuhu held Mishti liable in front of the entire family. 

Now there they were in the hall of Maheshwari Sadan, each of the member standing with an explicit expression of discontent and Mishti their obvious "catastrophe". 


My Instagram handle: trails_of_my_barefeet


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