133. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon (Part 1)

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Bold letters: Harry Styles

"Our next guest has touch the hearts of millions of girls out there. He just released his solo album which reach #1 within hours. Please give a warm welcome to Harry Styles"

The curtains began to separate and Harry starts walking towards Jimmy. The crowd fills with screams of excitement and applause. He made his way to the empty seat besides Jimmy's desk.

"Hi, how you doing?"
"I'm doing great thank you, well I haven't seen you in a while how are you doing?"
"I'm fine"

Harry said with a smirk and jimmy let out a small laugh.

"Just fine? Nothing new has happened?"

Harry denies with his head which makes Jimmy laugh even harder.

"No but seriously, definitely a lot has happened in your life since the last time I saw you... you were single and now thanks to me you're dating Barbara Palvin"

The whole crowd fills with applause and screams.

"Thanks to you?" Harry said laughing

"Yeah I was the one who showed her that interview, I created you two

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"Yeah I was the one who showed her that interview, I created you two. You were in a band and now you're solo..."

"Yeah I am"

"Most importantly, you used to be childless but now you're a dad to a baby girl! Congratulations"

The whole crowd is in awe and pictures of Barbara pregnant are shown.

"Thank you, thank you"
"So how is the baby? How's Barbara?"
"My girls are fine, they're both at home sleeping I assume, they sleep a lot lately"
"What's the baby's name?"
"Oh they don't need to know her name but I'll tell you later " Harry said laughing
"You can't say I tried" Jimmy said to the crowd "So what's your take on parenting so far?"
"I love being a dad and it's something I've always wanted and you know it's amazing the love you feel for that tiny human" Harry said " I used to tell Barb that I would never love someone the way I love her but the first moment I saw my baby's eyes I new in that exact moment that if we are ever under attack I wouldn't doubt to use Barb as a human shield to protect that baby"

Jimmy and the crowd started laughing.

"That's how we feel about our kids... no but seriously how has it been?"
"It's been amazing Barb has been really great and patient with me, as soon as she came home she already knew what to do as a mother while I was completely lost which is weird cause I've always liked kids"
"What do you mean by completely lost?"
"Well, let's say I wasn't fully prepared for the baby"
"Yeah oh-oh"
"So what happened then?"
"Well on the day the baby came home, everything was going great I was already in love with her, she's an exact copy of Barbara" Harry said in awe.
"Really?" Jimmy said
"Yes! The moment I met her I realized that"
"She must be adorable, but keep telling about being completely lost" Jimmy laughed.
She is, so as I was telling you, she was so quiet and she slept a lot, I was holding her and everything was so peaceful, but then she wakes up and just started screaming, I checked her diaper it was clean, I tried feeding her but nothing"
"You seem like a great dad, Barbara is lucky to have you"
"Yeah not that much"

Harry scoffs and looks away with a smile.

"So what happened in the end?" "Barb saved my ass

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"So what happened in the end?"
"Barb saved my ass. And I felt terrible because for the first week she was like Wonder Woman she basically did absolutely everything"
"Oh come on! Give her a break she just had your baby!"
"I know! That's why I felt terrible! Of course now I know what to do and how to do it, I just needed a little guidance"
"So you know how to be a dad now?"
"Sure about that?"
"100% you could ask Barb"
"Oh no, no need I trust you"

"We have to take a break but we'll be back and Harry is telling us everything about his album"

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