chapter seven: deployed

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"Chancellor, the production of more clones will only escalate the war!" Senator Amidala stresses.

"The Separatists continue to manufacture droids. How are we supposed to defend ourselves against their overwhelming forces?" Another Senator argues.

Elara clenches her jaw as she sits in the shadows, listening to the debate. While she loves her clone friends, the thought of engineering more soldiers just for the sake of war makes her sick.

The meeting is quickly adjourned with the result of a vote being issued and Elara follows Padmé back to her quarters. Senator Amidala heads out to the balcony with her senator friends as Elara paces back and forth across the room.

Her mind races as she tries to think of anything she can do to help, but her thoughts are interrupted by a scream. She runs out to the balcony to find the senators hovering over Senator Ono's rodian body and her eyes widen.

"My lady, we must get you inside." Elara quickly leads Padmé into the building along with the rest of the officials.

She listens as Padmé goes on about Ono dropping to the floor after a loud bang. "It all happened so fast I.. I had just pulled away from Uncle Ono and-"

"They were aiming for you." Elara speaks boldly, earning wide eyes from the senators around her. "It's the only explanation." She continues. "Senator Onaconda Farr was respected by everyone, even by the few who didn't agree with his values. You, on the other hand, Senator. You're one of the boldest Senators—if not the boldest Senator—on the council. After today's events, I wouldn't be surprised if the trade federation or a representative from Kamino would be out to get you."

Padme's eyes widen.

"You must get someplace safe." Bail Organa places a hand on Padme's back.

"All due respect, as sympathizers and friends of Senator Amidala, you both are targets as well." Elara informs Organa and Mothma. "I will contact security immediately, they'll be sure to-"

"I will not be holed up in a safe room." Padmé speaks up. "If my actions are causing this much trouble, then I must be doing something right."

Elara smirks to herself. There's the woman she's looked up to as a kid.

"My lady, as your servant I simply cannot condone these actions. It is my duty to see to your every need, including protection." Elara informs the Senator. "I would inform the Jedi council but they're still preoccupied with the siege of Ryloth."

Ryloth. Her mind wanders for a second as she thinks of her friends, who she'd last seen 3 days ago.

"Then you shall protect me." Padmé gives her a knowing look. "Bail, Mon, please seek refuge somewhere safe."

"What will you do?" Senator Mothma asks.

"I'm going to get to the bottom of this." Padmé says.

Elara shows the two Senators out, hailing a few troops to escort them to their quarters. "I'll be sure to contact security about this. No harm will come to Senator Amidala on my watch." She assures the two of them, who seem relieved by her lie.

Once the doors are closed and the blinds are shut, Padmé tosses the familiar black suit to Elara. A small smile pulls at the corners of her lips as she holds the polyester suit in her hands.

She quickly strips out of her long, elegant dress and into the tight outfit. After securing the blaster at her side and her utility belt around her waist, she turns to Padmé who's now in a casual outfit.

"We have to get moving. Whoever it is will be back, and next time they'll be more precise about their target." Elara says and Padme nods.

The two of them slip out of the Senate building and to the lower hangar. Padmé takes her own speeder while Elara takes a different one. If they're seen together, the entire plan is blown.

Elara flies above the Senator's speeder, far back enough to not be seen but close enough to keep an eye on her. Her eyes scan the ships nearby for anything suspicious, but the Senator arrives in the lower levels safely.

"I'm here. Where are you?" Padme speaks into her comlink as she walks through the dark streets.

"I've got eyes, don't worry." Elara assures her.

Padme turns a corner, heading for the market, and Elara jumps from rooftop to rooftop to keep up. The Senator asks a vendor about their crops and Elara eyes the crowd for any threats. Another glint, much like the one from earlier, catches her eyes and she runs towards it.

She jumps to the rooftop where the assassin is and tackles them from behind, causing their blasts to go into the air. Madness breaks out below as civilians seek cover and Padmé looks for a way up to the rooftops.

Elara kicks the person's blaster off of the roof as the wrestle one another. The person begins to overpower her as they flip her onto her back. A painful cry escapes her lips as her back meets the solid ground behind her.

The sound of blaster shots startle her as she tries to recover and she looks up to find Padmé firing at the assassin. Being unarmed and outnumbered, the man flies away with the help of his jet pack and Padme runs to Elara's side.

"Elara." She sighs in relief. "Are you alright?"

Elara groans as she forces herself up. "Peachy." She sighs.

Padmé chuckles softly at the girl and helps her up.

"Senator." Elara speaks up as they make their way back to the speeders. "Forgive my questioning but, do you have any quarrel with Mandalore?"

"Mandalore?" Padmé asks. "No, Duchess Satine and I are quite good friends." She admits.

Elara hums. "Then why is a Mandalorian trying to kill you?"

Padmé's eyes widen.

Elara slides into the driver's seat of the speeder as Padmé sits in the passenger seat. The two head back to the Senate building and straight for the shiny Naboo skiff.

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