chapter forty-five: detour

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It's been a few days since Fives faked his death and revealed himself to Elara. The sustained commotion and high security throughout the Senate building has put off their plan to run away but things are finally starting to calm down, meaning that tonight could be the night that they finally get out of here.

Rex has tried popping in to check on Elara a few times but she never opened her door—mainly to keep Fives hidden but also because she's still not entirely happy with him. He got to see her once while she was accompanying Senator Amidala to the Jedi Temple, but even then she gave him the cold shoulder.

Jesse and Kix have taken note of her evasive behavior and both decided to give her time. They can't even begin to imagine what she's going through. Both of them made it a point to assure her that they're there if she needs them, though.

"Got everything?" Elara asks, slipping a jacket on before grabbing her small duffel bag of clothes. Her dresses are being left behind, since she has no more need for them in her attempt at a normal life.

Fives looks over the room once more before glancing at Elara and placing a loving kiss on her lips. "Now I do." He says as he wraps an arm around her.

She stifles at laugh at him as she playfully rolls her eyes. Fives pulls his hood over his head, which is now covered with stubble from his hair growing back, and follows Elara though the halls. They reach the hangar without a problem and slip onto a small shuttle.

"Are we really doing this?" Fives asks. "You know there's no turning back."

Elara takes a deep breath and a small smile creeps across her face as she looks up at him. "Why would I ever want to turn back?"

He smiles down at her and leans in to kiss her but her comlink starts to blink, pulling her attention away from him. She hesitates as she looks down at the button, which Fives presses for her. Elara looks up at him with wide eyes and he gestures for her to talk but she shakes her head.

"El, are you there?" Rex's voice asks. "I know it's late, I didn't mean to wake you." He sighs. "I just.. I've been thinking about what you said and you're right, I should've done more to protect Fives."

Elara and Fives exchange a glance as they listen to the Captain ramble.

"Cody and I have taken a small force behind enemy lines here on Anaxes and..." Rex pauses. "There's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to say it." He takes a deep breath. "I think Echo may still be alive."

Elara's eyes widen and Fives's heart stops as they process the words.

"We're headed to Skako Minor to follow a lead on where the Separatists may be keeping him." Rex informs her. "I'll keep you updated on our progress as often as I can." He continues. "And I know it probably doesn't mean anything to you, but I am sorry El."

A silence flows through the comlink on both sides and Rex sighs before ending the transmission. Once the light goes out, Elara looks up at Fives with glossy eyes.

"You think it could be true?" She asks.

"It can't be, I.. I saw him die. I watched the ramp explode with him on it." Fives shakes his head.

"There has to be a reason Rex thinks he's alive." Elara points.

Fives gives her a knowing look, anticipating her next move.

"I need to do this, Fives." She looks up at him. "For both of us."

He takes a deep breath as he looks down at her and nods slightly. "Then I'll meet you on Raydonia."

"You'll be okay flying this thing?" She asks.

"If I can fly an Umbaran aircraft, I can figure this thing out." He assures her.

She smiles up at him and presses her lips to his in a brief kiss. "I'll see you soon ner kar'taylir darasuum."

Fives grins down at her, she's clearly been practicing her mando'a. She grabs her blaster from her bag as well as the small detonator-like thing and secures it within her toolbelt. After stepping off of the ship, she glances back at Fives one last time and nods before the ramp closes.

The shuttle has a shaky takeoff, as expected, but is among the stars in no time. Unfortunately for her, this alerts the deck officer to her presence.

"Hey! That ship wasn't cleared for takeoff!" The man shouts.

"Classified Senate business." Elara states. "You may clear your concerns with Senator Amidala." She says as she hops into a V-Wing.

Before the officer can reach the fighter, she fires up the engines and flies out of the hangar. After inputting the coordinates to Skako Minor, she allows her mind to wander—focused on nothing but Echo.

Author's Note:

[ner kar'taylir darasuum
= "my love"]

^Such a long phrase for two little words...

It literally translates to
"my eternal know" which is kinda poetic I guess, but I would've appreciated something more simple :)

This was just a little filler, I know it's a lot shorter than my usual chapters but the next one will make up for it.

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