chapter eight: trials

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"This cannot be put aside for my sake. You must go through with the vote in my absence." Padmé speaks to the holographic image of Senator Organa.

The man sighs as he looks at her. "Are you sure you're making the right decision?"

"No." Padmé admits. "But we'll soon find out."

The transmission ends just as the ship touches down. Padmé leads Elara out of the ship, both of them in their formal attire.

"Senator Amidala!" A voice greets them. "What a pleasant surprise! To what do I owe this honor?"

"Duchess." Padmé smiles. "I'm here on personal business. After a small investigation, it seems that there's a rogue Mandalorian on my tail." She speaks quietly.

"A Mandalorian? Impossible! Our planet has been passive-neutral for years. The old Mandalorian warriors are no more." Satine informs her.

"Then why has one tried to kill me, twice?" Padmé asks.

Satine is clearly shocked at this news. "I must admit, Mandalore has seen a bit of... Rebellion, lately." She sighs. "We will get to the bottom of this."

After the talking continues a bit longer, Padmé and Elara exchange a glance.

"Is there a room where I could freshen up a bit?" Padmé asks.

"Of course! I will show you the way." Satine offers.

"Thank you." Padmé nods. "Elara, go fetch my things from the ship."

"Yes my lady." Elara nods before heading back to the ship.

She spots the small bag and grabs it before making her way to where Padmé's signal appears on her tracker. The door opens to reveal Padmé pacing around the room and she sighs as she spots Elara.

"Did you get it?" Padmé asks, closing the door.

Elara hands the small bag to her and she quickly opens it. The contents of the bag include two blasters, grenades, and a few disrupters in case they come across any droids. Also among the weapons is a familiar black suit.

"Senator?" Elara asks as she spots the garment.

"For emergencies." Padmé informs her. "The Duchess and I are heading to Mandalore's moon, Concordia, to meet with the governor. It's where the rebels and outlaws have been banished to." She explains. "I have a feeling I'll be needing the other Elara on that adventure."

A wicked smile appears on Elara's face.


After 5 long days, the 501st legion finally returns to Coruscant. Their part in the siege of Ryloth is complete, now it's up to the other legions to complete their missions.

Kix wastes no time in tending to the wounded once they land. The medics of the other platoons join him as they do their best to get their brothers back in shape.

Tup groans as he falls onto his bunk. He'd almost forgotten what sleep was these past few days. Dogma follows suit and also decides to get some rest. Hardcase and Jesse head straight for the mess hall, no longer able to fight their growing appetite.

Fives hits the refresher to wash off some dried blood and Echo pulls his helmet off as he loiters in the hangar. He takes a deep breath to relax himself, reminding himself that he's safe now, away from the chaos of uncertainty.

"What?" A voice asks from further in the hangar.

Echo glances towards the back of the hangar to find the Captain and the General looking at a hologram. He can't tell who they're talking to because their bodies block the image.

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