chapter thirty-three: progress

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The past month has been extremely hard for Elara, having to cope with the loss of yet another loved one and the effects of the ongoing war. After allowing herself one night to mourn, she drowned herself in work to distract her mind from how depressed she was actually becoming. She finds any excuse not to rest until she absolutely cannot keep her eyes open.

Elara also hasn't gotten around to visiting the barracks after the loss of Echo. Her excuse is that the Senator gives her too many assignments, when in reality even Padmé is starting to worry about the girl. The Senator has tried countless times to send her away for a day or two to relax, but Elara is too stubborn to abandon her self-assigned work.

It hasn't been easy for the rest of the men Elara had grown to love either, especially Fives. In fact, Fives can rarely ever bring himself to enter his quarters—fearing the sight of the empty bunk beneath his.

Truthfully, Fives hasn't spent a single night in his bunk since he returned from the Citadel. He's been staying with Elara—at least on the nights that she actually shows up in her own quarters.

After that night the two of them spent crying to one another over their lost brother, their bond solidified and neither seemed relaxed without the other at their side. On the rare nights that Elara does actually get any type of rest, it's only thanks to Fives. He's the only one that's able to talk any sense into her; even just his presence soothes her enough for her walls to come crumbling down.

But again, those nights are rare as she keeps her mind occupied as often as she can. Fives still attends training and spends time with his brothers outside of the barracks. He often finds himself zoning out in their company, imagining if Echo had come back with him and was with the lot of them.

"Hey vod, you alright?" Kix places a hand on Fives's shoulder to snap him out of his current trance.

"How's Ellie doin'? She still look as hot as I remember?" Hardcase asks.

"It's only been a month, 'Case. How would she not be?" Jesse smacks the back of his brother's head.

"She's alright." Fives suddenly feels a knot in his stomach and stands from the table.

"Is she?" Kix asks. None of the others have seen Elara since the news broke, but they know their sister well enough to imagine how she's feeling.

Fives sighs. If he told the others what was really going on with Ellie, they'd ambush her with an intervention. It's already bad enough that she won't talk to Rex whenever he tries to comfort her. "I should go."

The others exchange a confused glance as Kix watches Fives walk out of the mess hall.

"Do you think he and Ellie are finally together?" Jesse asks.

"Really?" Kix asks. "Both of them just lost the person closest to them and that's what you're concerned about?" He shakes his head.


"I'm so glad you finally agreed to do this." Padmé smiles sympathetically at the girl.

Elara sighs as she looks up at the Senator. "Only two days."

"Sure." Padmé nods. "Or more if you need it."

"Senator." Elara speaks firmly.

Padmé sighs. "Please Elara. I can't stand seeing you like this anymore. I'm worried about you." She admits. "You need to allow yourself to grieve, it's the only way to move on."

Elara clenches her jaw and takes a deep breath to bury her emotions. "I'll be back from Akiva in two days' time." She states.

Senator Amidala nods in defeat and Elara heads back to her quarters to pack. Shortly after she arrives and begins packing, the door slides open again.

"Ellie." Fives sighs as he enters the room. It's been a few days since he's last seen her.

Elara goes through her mental checklist as she places her things in her bag.

"You're packing?" Fives asks looking over her shoulder.

"The Senator is sending me away to relax for a few days." Elara explains.

Fives raises an eyebrow as he reaches into her bag. "And what's this for?" He asks, pulling out a blaster.

Elara snatches it from him and places it back in her bag. "Emergencies." She turns away to continue packing.

The soldier has spent enough time with her to know when she's hiding something, now he finally gets to put those skills to use.

"Dank far'rik, Ellie. You're not going away to relax, are you?" He asks, grabbing the entire bag to stop her from packing as she protests. "What's going on?"

"I'm going to Akiva for two days under strict orders from Senator Amidala to relax and grieve so that I can move on." She quotes the Senator. "I'd invite you to come but-"

"Great!" Five cuts her off as he grabs a bag for himself. "I've never been to Akiva, what's it like there?" He asks as he throws some clothes into the bag. "That's in the Outer Rim, right?"

Elara looks at him with wide eyes. "I.. You're not.."

"Do you think I'll need my snow gear?" He asks.

"No, it's a jungle planet." Elara states.

"Jungle!" Fives raises his eyebrows. "I'd better get some more things from the barracks. What time are we leaving?"

"We aren't-! Fives, you're not coming with me!" She says frustratedly.

Fives glances up at her. "Why not?"

"Because, I.." She sighs as she looks at him.

"I know you have something planned." Fives points. "And we both know that you're not getting on that ship without me." He continues. "So what am I getting myself into?"

Elara looks up at the man and bites the inside of her cheek. She catches the time from the corner of her eye and throws a few more things into her bag before zipping it up. "You need to change. We're going as civilians." She states. "I'm sure General Skywalker will lend you some things to wear." She grabs his hand and pulls him out of the room.

Fives follows the girl's quick pace through the Senate building until they arrive at Senator Amidala's quarters. A quick knock causes the door to open, revealing both the Senator and the General.

"Elara, I thought you were leaving for Akiva?" Padmé asks.

"I am. We are." She says. "I just need a small favor." She glances at Anakin, who raises an eyebrow.

Luckily for them, the Jedi had some of his things stored in Padmé's quarters. He hesitantly handed them to Fives, who shoved the clothes into his bag before following Elara to the main hangar.

"You still haven't told me what's going on." Fives points. He'd left his armor behind in Elara's room and is travelling with a casual white poncho over his blacks.

"That's it, that's our ride." Elara points to the transport that just landed at the end of the platform. "C'mon, I'll explain on the way."

The two make it onto the shuttle at the last second and find seats in the far back. Due to the amount of company they have on the transport, Elara decides to hold off on explaining the plan. As the ship takes off, she lays her head on Fives's shoulder and yawns.

"When was the last time you slept?" Fives asks.

"Three days ago." Elara mumbles.

Fives sighs and adjusts his seated position so that Elara can rest comfortably. He glances ahead at the projected flight path of the transport and sighs at how many stops they have to make. "Get some rest cyar'ika. I'll wake you up when we're closer." He gently kisses the top of her head.

Elara hums in compliance as her eyes flutter closed. It doesn't take long for the exhausted girl to fall asleep beside the soldier, leaving Fives to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious as he waits for them to reach their stop.

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