3. Aaron Burr, Sir

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Victoria's POV- a month later
"I've told you why I want to fight. How about you?" I asked Lafayette. He looked over at me then back at the ceiling, smiling a bit. "My country is bound to go to war. I want to prepare myself and have practice so I can do my best for my country." He explained. I nodded and scooted back on my cot a bit. "Anyone back home?" I asked. He smiled a bit. "My grandmother." "No special girl?" I asked, somewhat hopeful. He shook his head. I smiled a bit.

"What about you? Any boy in your life?" Lafayette asked, sitting up a bit. "Well, I have my eyes on someone." I blushed a bit. "Really? Explain them." He frowned a bit while getting more comfortable and sitting crisscross, facing me. "He's tall, we haven't known each other too long, he's kind from what I can tell and he has a group of rowdy friends." I explained. He smiled a bit and nodded, though his smile quickly faded. "Hercules?" He asked. "No." I chuckled. "Do I know him?" He asked me. "I don't know.. do you know yourself?" I smiled. His eyes widened and he blushed a bit. I smiled and walked out of the tent. I whistled for Whiskey and he came running.

I jumped up on him from a log and rode off to the woods. When Whiskey and I arrived at a spot that I found a few day's prior, I jumped off him and sat on the ground. Whiskey laid down next to me and rested his head in my lap. I smiled and scratched behind his ears a bit as we listened to the nature around us.

"I see someone has found my spot." I heard a man chuckle. I opened my eyes and looked over to see a man my friends called 'break down burr' for what I can only assume is anxiety. "Hello." I smiled as he sat down next to me. "Aaron Burr." He stuck his hand out. "Victoria Schuyler." I smiled as I shook his hand. "Schuyler?" He asked. I nodded. "I didn't know there was a fourth sister." He whispered underneath his breath. "Eh. No one does until I say something." I shrugged as I continued to pet Whiskey. "I'm sorry you've had to deal with that." Aaron apologized. "It's ok. I've gotten used to it." I smiled over at him. He smiled back and we talked till lunch.

"You want a ride back?" I asked Aaron as I jumped up on Whiskey. "I'd appreciate it." He smiled as he jumped on Whiskey's back as well. We rode through the wood to the camp ground and to the small field that had places to sit for meals. I stopped Whiskey so Aaron could jump off and then I jumped off after. I smiled at Whiskey and sent him to the stables. I turned around and saw Aaron waiting for me. I smiled and started talking with him as we went to go get some bread and some water. And if we're lucky, some soup.

Aaron and I walked through the small field looking for a place to sit as we talked. Today was a good day since we got some soup. "My mother and father died when I was young. I made it my goal to finish my education early. So that's what I did." Aaron smiled over at me. "Oh I'm sorry tha-." I was cut off by my friends yelling for me. "VICTORIA! HEY OVER HERE!" I heard John yell. I sighed and turned around with Aaron to see my friends waving their hands around like crazy. "I found somewhere for us to sit." I chuckled as we started walking over. "They're very loud." Aaron chuckled along. "Yep." I smiled fondly.

As Aaron and I arrived to my friends, I noticed Lafayette staring at me. I smiled at him as Aaron and I sat down and started conversation with everyone. "So how'd you meet Mr Burr?" Alexander asked me. "I was walking in the woods and we ran into each other." I shrugged. "You were in the woods?!" Laf yelped. I nodded kinda confused. "Victoria what if a Redcoat found you?" Hercules scolded me. "Fight them?" I asked, looking at them like they were dumb. "But you were alone! And you don't have a gun on you!" Alex joined in. "I can fight with my hands." I said as I put my food down and showed them my hands. John and Aaron snickered at how sassy I was being. The rest of lunch Alex and Herc scolded me while Laf just stared at me.

"Laf, you ok?" John asked as he waved his hand in front of Lafayette's face. "Hm? Oh, Oui, I am ok." He smiled. The boys nodded but I looked at him a little longer. I shrugged and went back to talking with Aaron.

824 words
It's short I know but I'm really busy with school.

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