9: Yorktown

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Victoria's POV
"The battle of Yorktown..." I sighed as I walked along side Herc and John. We were under Alex and Laf's combined command. "1781..." Herc and John muttered.

"Monsieur Hamilton!" Laf smiled over at Alex as we all marched. "Monsieur Lafayette!" Alexander smiled back. "In command where you belong?" Laf smirked. "How you say, no sweat!" Alex joked. Laf chuckled. "Finally on the field, we've had quite a run." I joined in. Alex and Laf looked back at me before turning back around, smiling. "Immigrants," They shrugged. "We get the job done." They high-fived. I rolled my eyes as they continued, Herc and John oddly silent.

"So what happens if we win?" Alex asked. "I go back to France," Laf started, making my heart drop and tears well up in my eyes. "I bring freedom to my people if I'm given the chance." Lafayette finished as I wiped my tears. "I'll be with you when you do." I smiled at him. Laf smiled back and kissed my forehead. "Go, let's lead our men." Laf smirk. "We'll see you on the other side." Alex smiled. "'Till we meet again, let's go!" Laf declared as we continued to the battle field.

After a week of fighting a young man stands on a parapet... We lowered our guns as he frantically waved a white handkerchief. And just like that it's over, we tend to our wounded, we count our dead. "Black and white soldiers wonder alike if this real means freedom.." John wondered out loud as he walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Not yet..." I muttered.

We negotiate the terms of surrender. I see George Washington smile. We escort their men out of Yorktown, they stagger home single file. Tens of thousands of people flood the streets, there are screams and church bells ringing. And as our fallen foes retreat.. I hear the drinking song we're singing.

"The world turned upside down.." I mumbled, smiling and looking over at John as we ran to find our friends. "The world turned upside down." He repeated as I saw our friends in the distance. "The world turned upside down." I yelled as I grabbed John's arm and dragged him the right direction.

Laf looked over at me and saw me running to him. He broke into a sprint as well and met me half way. "We won." I sobbed into his shoulder as he caught me in a hug. "We won." He repeated. "We won!" I cheered, pulling away from Lafayette's hug and jumping into Alexander's arms. Alex hugged me tight then passed me over to Herc. Herc and I hugged each other tightly. Herc put me down and I raced back over to Laf, standing close to his side. Not once even thinking about leaving his side.

France... Here I come..

473 words!

Yeah next chapter is going to be the last. But don't worry! Another book is on the way... possibly.

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