3. Supernatural Trifecta

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S1E3 Supernatural Trifecta



Early one morning at the Lightner Museum inside the mummy exhibit...
Who am I kidding, you know what's gonna go down. A mummified child breaks free of its sarchophagas. The curator gazed on with sheer ironic terror as it walked out of the museum like he owned the joint.

At the exact same time at Flagler College, (just across the street from the museum) a ghostly figure of an older man wearing a nineteenth-century era suit rose from the floor tiles and looked around, gravely displeased. He then procedes to break all of the things.

The Theme Song, a glorious merging of John Williams and Ron Wasserman, plays.

Created by Seth Campbell

Written by Seth Campbell


Later that day after most classes are over, Amos and Tom were studying for their midterm exams. Amos was studying Philosophy, a subject he excelled at; and Tom studied Algebra, a subject that escaped the both of them.

The academic silence was broken by two consecutive dings from Amos's computer. The both were immediately drawn from their studies to what the dings foretold. A ding meant that Amos's website had got a hit and someone needed the services of The Archmage.

"What is it this time?" Tom had reached the point where he'd seen plenty. Of course he hadn't seen anything since Amos never took him along.

"It's..." Amos checked the queries. "The mummy at the Lightner Museum's loose and..." Amos's eyes widened into two glass orbs. "Holy crap, it's the college!"

"The hell?" Tom was taken back too. The college's President was very vocally anti-Occult, to the point where he once expelled a student for being a wiccan and actually getting away with it. (he had powerful friends)

"The ghost of Henry Flagler is wreaking havoc throughout Flagler Hall." Amos just realized why Flagler Hall was closed that day. "Dude wants me to take care of it... discretely."

"You being discrete," Tom chorted. "That, I gotta see." Amos was typing away his replies to both the museum curator and the president.

"Wait," Tom glanced over at Amos's replies. "You're gonna do both?"

"Sure," Amos sent his two replies of "yes".

"Don't you need to study?" Tom was a stckler about studying academia.

"I also need money." Amos turned around back at Tom. "And don't worry, I can handle it."

Sometime later; Amos, now in his disguise, was being escorted through Flagler Hall after operating hours by the groundskeeper of the campus.

"Mr. Archmage," he began with a sense of formality. "On behalf of the president of the college, I would like to thank you for your services."

"You're welcome," Amos gave the atrium a good once-over. "So you said you wanted me to be discrete."

"The president, as you of your stature would probably know, is vhelmetly anti-Occult and only accepts your services on multiple conditions."

"Should be easy," Amos crinked his neck and motioned towards the door. "I can handle this on my own."

The groundskeeper nodded and left Amos to be by himself. Amos then turned around to breathe in the atmosphere. He had been here before, a lot; but never as Archmage.

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