Christmas Mistletoes

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Shortest story ever. Whatever. Merry Christmas. Or happy Hanukah. Or Kwanza. Or whatever you celebrate.

It was cold outside. Too cold.

But Magnus didn't care. Instead, he was inside, getting ready for Alexander Lightwood to show up knocking on his front door. It was eight o'clock. Alec should be here any minute. It was snowing outside, but Magnus's apartment was warm and cozy. He had changed up his apartment quite a bit, adding extra soft blankets on the couch, a fireplace in front of it, flickering and warming the whole room. There was a platter of cookies and candies on the coffee table, along with hot chocolate. He was wearing a red Christmas sweater, and he had one for Alec too. There was a Christmas tree in one corner, next to the fireplace.

There was a knock on the door, and Magnus practically flew to the door.

"Alexander!" He threw his arms around the shadowhunter.

"Hey, Mags," He gave Magnus a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry I'm late. There was a demon attack at Time Square and the mundanes went ballistic, thinking it was a horse and an octopus  attacking them. Glamours are getting strong, but still."

"Oh my," Magnus sighed. "Did any one get hurt?" He automatically pushed Alec's jacket off of his shoulders to check for injuries.

Alec chuckled. "No one was hurt."

Magnus had rolled up the sleeves of Alec's t-shirt and was inspecting the lightly faded Iratze on his forearm. "Hmm."

"It was just a few bruises, I swear."

"Okay." Magnus rolled Alec's sleeves back down, muttering that he didn't want the blue eyed boy to catch a cold. "I have something a bit... mundane planned for today."

"Do you now?"

"You know that holiday called Christmas? Well, there's this thing called Hallmark that makes really cheesy movies. I thought maybe we could watch some Christmas movies, make hot chocolate and cookies, and snuggle upon the couch."

Alec hummed. "That's a great idea."

So they did exactly that. Snuggled up close on the couch, mugs of steaming hot chocolate with peppermint sticks and marshmallows in their hands, they watched a cringe movie.

"Alexander," Magnus whispered after the movie. "We're under the mistletoe."

"The mistletoe?" He asked.

Magnus didn't explain anything. He just kissed him. "Merry Christmas Pup,"

"I thought I told you to not make 'pup' a thing."

"Sugar plum?"

"Magnus," Alec sighed. "No."

"I'll come up with a nickname for you eventually."

"We'll see about that."

"Yes we will."

"Now, let's go to bed. 'Santa' is coming tonight, and we'll have to get up early and open presents."

"What's Santa?"

Magnus laughed. "Saint Nick."

Alec still didn't get it.

"You'll see tomorrow morning. Now, let's go to bed. It's cold and I just bought a blanket with little avocado designs on it,"

And sorry that's it. Happy Holidays y'all.

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