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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 this morning as I cleaned the house

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 this morning as I cleaned the house. My day off started like every day off should: sleeping in. I slept longer than I had in years, and it felt amazing! I was energized for a new day and was ready to clean the house. I hopped out of my bed, a smile on my face. My window was open all night, allowing the cool breeze to filter through. The morning air was a little chilly, so I only shut the window halfway. 

The broom in my hand was the only thing tethering me to this world. I was dancing around the living room, broom in hand. It had become my dance partner since I was alone in my house. Tahno would have been making fun of me for doing this, but I didn't care. He wasn't here right now, so I could do whatever I wanted without having to worry about him laughing at me. 

I hummed along to the song as I spun in a slow circle with the broom. It must have been a new song because I hadn't heard it before. The sweet notes hung in the air after they were played for what felt like forever. The harmonious quartet crooned to me about love and how it was the most sought-after emotion in the world. I assumed they knew what they were talking about because I had felt the same way.

For my whole life, I had been dreaming of the day when I met the man that was the one for me. When I was a little girl, I would try to conjure up an image of who he was, but I never could get it right. Something about him would be wonky or wrong, and I would have to restart building him up again. But, after my accident, I stopped that completely. What good would it do for me if I wouldn't survive to adulthood?

Since I was an adult now, I knew my reasoning behind that was wrong. I was slowly realizing that I was too afraid of doing something spontaneous like falling in love. My accident ruined me because it made me scared of doing anything other than the normal, planned part of life. I guessed that, even though I tried my hardest to forget about my accident, it still ran my life like it had happened yesterday.

A sharp noise rang out, drowning the music. A frown appeared on my face as I rushed over to the radio, and turned it off. I pick up the handheld phone and placed the receiver in front of my mouth, holding the other piece to my ear. "Hello?" I said, breathlessly. I could hear loud noises on the other end, which was weird. 

"Raya?" Tahno said, making me groan. "You have to bring me my headgear. I forgot it."

Biting my lip, I turned away from the phone to look into his room down the hall. I saw his headgear sitting next to the bed, obviously forgotten. "Have you been practicing without your headgear?"


"Tahno!" I cried out, squeezing the phone receiver in my hand. "You know I don't like it when you don't practice with your helmet on!"

"I know, I know. I just forgot it, I guess, and decided not to go back home to get it." His voice got quieter when he said, "I got in trouble, which is why I'm asking you to bring it."

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