Chapter 10 - Breakfast

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The brothers were all sitting in Moon's Bedroom. She dozed off in Enzo's embrace but even in her slumber, she was not ready to let go of him. So, Enzo held her close to him as she sleeps.

Salvatore was the first to break the silence he asked the boys the go their rooms and rest but none of them wants to leave so Salvatore went out of the room and came back with mattress and blankets in Moon's room and he made all of them sleep with great difficulty. Enzo was still not ready to sleep fearing that he'll lose Moon if he closes his eyes. Salvatore sat beside him and made him rest his head on his shoulder and soon Enzo too dozed off.

For Salvatore on the other hand, sleep was the last thing on his mind. 


What has happened to you, my Moon? 

I glanced at Enzo, he had suffered from depressive thoughts for a long time but he had us. I remember when we found out about his depressive thoughts. He apologized for having them like it was his fault. How the fuck was it his fault?! He said how he should be a man' and not cry. He told me that he has no reason to feel this way. That is not how a man is supposed to feel. 

Today, when I saw the way he held Moon it was like he was holding himself. It was very evident how he knew what Moon was feeling. It was like he was fighting her thoughts for her. 

Now and then we all feel low. I feel very low sometimes to the point where I don't want to get out of the bed and I don't think it makes me weak, it just shows that I am a human and I am allowed to feel sad and I don't necessarily need a reason for it.

Xavier, who himself is a psychiatrist had been to therapy and it is not something to be ashamed of.  I remember when he decided to become a psychiatrist we were all very happy because he was the first one to go out of the way to do something and we supported him. 

Moon is more like me, she is closed off. I used to be like her once. After Mum passed away we were all very sad our emotions were all over the place. Our dad never asked us to be strong and maybe he was the one who taught us that the only way one can be a real man is when one shows his emotions. 

He always used to say "Shutting the world out, hiding your emotions and avoiding your feelings does not make you strong. The strongest person in this world is the one who can let people in, show his emotions and sit with his feelings and accept them" wise man. A few tears escaped my eyes remembering my old man  

My chain of thoughts was broken when I saw Moon shifted in her sleep and this made Enzo's eyes opened but he relaxed when he saw that she was just shifting her position. His eyes then fell on me 

"You know you too should sleep," he said with a raised eyebrow

I signalled him to be quiet as everyone was sleeping. He signalled me to lie down and so I did.

"Cut this hypocrisy and sleep!" He whispers yelled 

"What has happened to her" I couldn't help the crack in my voice 

Enzo wiped my tears 

"I don't know but we are here for her, aren't we?" he asked in a whisper 

I couldn't trust my voice so I just nodded 

"Now, you Mr Hypocrite needs to sleep. She will be okay and even if she is not we will be there for her" with that he cuddled with me 

"You know you stink" I whispered

I am not lying he does stink 

"Shut up or I am gonna make you smell my armpit"

I puked in my mind and pushed him away and fell into a deep slumber. 

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