Chapter 18- No, Thank You

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After keeping their stuff in their farmhouse and later changing into some nice clothes. The siblings decided to explore the city.

Moon was loving every bit of it. Florence, the hike of renaissance was totally her type of thing.

She liked her brothers. But as she was visiting places she wanted to be alone. She wanted to visit those places alone.

"for how long are we staying?" she asked to her eldest brother

"umm 2 days, we'll go back the day after tomorrow, overmorrow." Salvatore said

"Cool" Moon said as the siblings went on going to different museums, art galleries and the like.

The brothers were not much of the 'I love art' type of people but they can like it of their sister does like it.

Brothers were happy, happy about the fact that if not completely then atleast she is talking to them again.

Xavier was a little worried about the incident that happened in the car. He decided to not tell any of his brothers about it. He did not want Moon to feel betrayed.

After exploring the city for some more time the brothers decided to go back.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you later" Moon said when they talked about going back to the farmhouse

"We are not leaving you alone, you don't even know the city, you are coming with us" Enzo said in an authoritative tone.

As if that was gonna work

Before Moon could say anything.

"Don't boss her around" Lorenzo said as he smacked his head

"I am not bossing her around. Its not safe for her to stay out here alone. When she does not even know the place" Enzo said with irritation in his voice

"I am not a kid" Moon said with equal irritation.

She does not like when people try to boss her around. She get it he was worried about her but she was was not going to let him tell her what to do.

"You are just 20!" Enzo said as he threw his hands up in the air

"Exactly! She's 20. Not 2. She is mature enough to decide for herself and take care of herself" Lorenzo retorted back

And he and Moon high fived.

"He's right! I don't understand why has gotten into you. You are behaving as if someone's bit your asshole" It was Xavier who decided to enter the dialogue with his classic reply

Listening to which everyone except Enzo burst into laughter.

"Fine! Take this" Enzo said as he took out his credit card and some cash. "Keep this with you. The passcode is ****. And call us if there's any problem" Moon wanted to argue 5hay she didn't need money or anything but thought that it would not be a very smart move to roam around the city empty handed. So she took it.

"Thanks" Moon said as she kept the money and credit card in her purse

The brothers headed back to the farmhouse.

Moon was visiting the places again. Taking longer than before and looking at each and everything again.

As she was roaming around she saw a park and decided to stay there for a while.


I am so glad that I came here. I am thankful to Xavier for not asking about little incident that happened in the car.

I hope he didn't tell about it to anyone.


As I sat under the tree I decided to think what am I doing wrong?

Why do I feel this way? Am I just sad or am I sick?

No, you are an attention seeker

What do I even want with life, with people, with myself?

Do I really want to end my life?

You should

But why? What is the reason? Why do I want to do so? Why do I want to end it?

Do I really want to end it or do I just want to change it?

Oh my god! You are so dramatic

I have everything anyone can ask for. I have a family, I guess. I have a roof over my head, I have food, water, clothes, money, education. What more can I ask for? Why this crippling sadness?

It's not like I have a huge problem in my life or anything. Why this loneliness, why this feeling of not being enough, why unusual breakdowns?

You are ungrateful and maybe that's why you should kill yourself

"Ciao" I heard someone beside me and I jumped back a little.

What the fuck?!

I looked at a man sitting beside me and smiling

Oh! He's good looking but creepy.

Why are men so creepy?

I decided to ignore the man and decided to change my place.

Can't even sulk and think about life in peace. The struggle.

"Oh ti sto disturbando" He said as I got up.

"No speak Italian" I told him wishing for him to leave me alone.

"Oh! That's great even I am not very fluent in the language" he said as he too got up

Why am I understanding Italian now? Italian sounds a lot like English.

He's speaking English, you idiot.

What the fuck?! Why is he speaking English.

I ignored the man I just met and decided to walk away.

"Come on! I just wanted to talk. I am travelling alone and I am bored and blame my good luck I just met a beautiful lady who speaks English" he said as he caught up to me.

He's creeping me out.

What part of 'I am not interested' do men not understand

"No, thank you." I said walking away


Hi guys,

Thank you for sticking up with me.

Let me know if you guys are or are not liking the book so far.

Their MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora