Chapter 5 - Big Brother

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Third person's POV

Luca knocked on Moon's door and entered her room

He saw her sleeping peacefully. And he just smiled. He sat near her and as he was about to touch her to wake her up she frantically woke up with a gasp and looked at him. Seeing how close he was sitting she immediately got off the bed

"What the fuck, dude? How many times do I need to tell you to maintain some distance? Haven't I made it obvious? Haven't I made it clear? Want me to spell it out for you? D-I-S-T-A-N-C-E." Moon said with an irritated look

Luca just looked at her with an amused expression

"Did you just changed Anne-Marie's friends to distance?"

Moon couldn't help but smile and this made Luca smiled. This was the first time he has seen her smile

"I presume you are here to call me for dinner," Moon said with a duh tone

"Yeahhhh let's go," he said with a smile and Moon couldn't help but playfully rolled her eyes.

Luca just laughed and they went to the dining room

Moon's POV

Maybe Luca is not so bad

Yeahhhhh because he is nice just dump your whole baggage on him which he will not be able to handle and he'll leave you just like your friend left you

Why do you always have to bring this shit up?

Maybe because you need a reminder that you should not let people in because that will hurt them

Shut up

I took a seat in front of the twins and Xavier was sitting beside me.

They were asking me questions about what I do. To which I replied I am literature student. I came to know that Xavier has a degree in psychology and currently he is practising.


Lorenzo is more of a guy who likes cooking. Hmm but currently he's helping out in 'family business'. When I asked what type of business they told me they have hotels in different countries and also they own an IT company.

Ahh! Richie Rich

Lorenzo is more of the guy who helps in IT business meanwhile Enzo and Luca are in the hotel business.

We were having a chat when Xavier said

"Ahh Salvatore is here" Ahh big brother

Not gonna lie he had a dangerous Aura he was talking on the phone

Busy much?

As he said just beside me and smiled the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and I could see that all my brothers were trying to put their eyeballs back into their eyes.

The dude Salvatore I guess kept his phone down and smiled at me

"Moon, so good you see you, love," He said while smiling and I swear everyone in the table was going crazy and were searching for their eyeballs

"I am Salvatore your elder brother and your legal guardian," he said while smiling

Before I could say anything Lorenzo jumped into the conversation

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FACE?!" he shouted at Salvatore and I could see everyone o else backing him up

Salvatore looked at them and rolled his eyes

"I am happy to see my baby sister" he replied with a duh tone

"Dude why in the fuck were you making that face. You look horrible" Xavier shouted


I laughed internally

What is up with these guys

"24 years of my life and I've seen you made that face," Enzo said throwing his hands up

"Stop with the hole 'that face' I have only one face and I am just smiling."
Salvatore said with an irritated look

"Exactly! You never smile" Lorenzo said throwing his hands up and shaking his head

"Yeah because I am not very fond of you guys," he said and turned back to me

I couldn't help the side of my mouth that turned upwards

"WHAT??! YOU TOO" Lorenzo said like he's gonna faint

"I am telling you all four of us are adopted," Xavier said in Luca's ears loud enough for every one of us to hear

Drama Kings!

Salvatore turned to me

"It's good to have you back," he said ignoring everyone

Okay, Idk what to feel or say I mean I lived in that hell hole. Why? Because they abandoned me. But how can I be mad at them? I remember I was 6 when I start living with Toby the useless fuck they must be really small at that time to do anything about it and maybe they forgot about me but why didn't they search for me when they were capable of doing it

See expecting already from people you met just a few hours ago. This is the reason why no one likes to stay with you

"Umm yeah thanks," I said awkwardly

"Now Moon, not to sound harsh or anything but we have some rules that we follow in this house. I'll let you know about them, okay?"

Initially, I wanted to say "fuck your rules" but I didn't because he said that bullshit with so much love that I couldn't help but nodded and that fucker again smiled at me.


Why all my brothers are so beautiful and why am I such am an ugly piece of shit!

"And Moon, you have grown into a very beautiful girl" Bloody could he read my thoughts?!!!!! "it's good to have another human here I mean I got tired of living with four baboons," he said with a playful whisper but everyone could hear him

And again everyone starts searching for their eyeballs

And Salvatore pushed a plate full of food in front of me and we started eating.

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