Chapter 17- Florence

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It was better when I was in my room, under my blankets sleeping peacefully.

My brothers are biggest jerks of all time.


Shut up

So yeah, I was saying that my brothers are the biggest jerks. I mean they asked me to pack my stuff, so I mean that piece of shit Xavier came to my room and was like

'Hey Moon, you have 2 hours pack your stuff and get ready we are going on a trip.'

And when I decided to argue with him that bitch was like

'Moon, please work has exhausted me, mentally and I just want to go on a trip but if you decide to not go none of the other bitches will go and hence I won't be able to go. Plus I just want to spend some time with my family'

Sweet? Nah

Manipulative little fucker.

And now I am sitting beside that manipulative shit, who for the record is smiling at me, in this big ass car which is making me nauseous.

"Come on! You'll love it there" He said nudging me

"There?! I don't even know where we are going!" I said as I threw my hands up and controlled my urge to actually throw up.

You are such a shit

I am having a really hard time right now. We'll talk later.

"It's a surprise" Salvatore said smiling while looking at me through the rear view mirror

"Focus on driving" I told him as I rested my head against the window of the car and tried to sleep.

Oh my god you are so rude. Here these people are trying to be nice to you but you are just being ungrateful.

I ignored the voice in my head. I mean if I think about it it's my own thoughts.

I am weak.

Yes you are. You can't fight me and you know why? Because you want me. You want pain. You want pain because that's all you know. You don't want to be happy. You want to be sad. You want to be sad so that you can get sympathy and attention. You are pathetic.

Nothing happened today. What the fuck is happening?! Please just stop.

You are making things up for attention.

Please I don't want to make a scene here. Stop.


She was pissed

But I know she'll love where we are going.

When she asked Salvatore to focus on driving it was hilarious. We were trying to not laugh. Bitch's face was like a red baboon.

Moon has bad motion sickness. It's been not more than 20 minutes since we've started driving and she's already trying to sleep.

She was leaning on the window. Considering how she's still so hesitant around us she might be feeling awkward about leaning against me.

"Hey," I poked her slighty and she looked at me "you can lean on me, it'll still take sometime to reach where we are going" she opened her eyes and looked at me. I can tell she was having an inner battle.

"Yeah, I'll of I need to. Thanks" she said with a smile And going back to the previous position closed her eyes again.

Something is off.

She was fine a few minutes ago she looks fine but something is off. And proving me right I saw she started scratching her arms from above the long sleeved shirt that she was wearing.

I thought she might stop in a while but she was going scratching it harder. Slow enough to keep it subtle but hard enough to draw blood.

I didn't want to make her uncomfortable by confronting her in front of the family, because she obviously would not like it, but I can't let her do that either.

Silently I grabbed her hand. And her eyes shot open. Without saying a word I shifted a little towards her. Held her hands in mine and rested her head in my shoulder.

I thought she would pull away or get irritated but she only held my hand tighter.

I am a fucking psychiatrist and I can't fucking help my own sister.

Usually guys are all loud like a group of flies on shit but keeping in mind how difficult car rides are for moon they were keeping quiet.

Soon after Moon's hold on my hand loosened and her breath got even.

After driving for around 90 more minutes we arrived at our destination.

"wake up, sorella" I said to my sister shaking her slightly.

"Surprise's here" I looked at her as she opened her eyes and got out of the car.

"Oh my Lord!! Are we in Florence?!" She looked at us with wide eyes as she looked around the view from our farmhouse which was located quite up high in the city giving you a good view of the city

"I told you you would like it" I said smiling to her.

"like it?! I love it!!" she said as she clapped her hands and looked athe view in front of her in an awe.

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