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My take on Arshi's remarriage track . Arnav does not come to the alter .  Do read the note down there . It is necessary .



A man and a woman are sleeping cuddling to each other when the sun rays peeked inside their bedroom disturbing the sleep of the beautiful woman . She woke up and tried to get up but she couldn't as the man's grip was strong enough to not let her go away from him . She smiled looking at him sleeping like a baby . She entangled herself from him with difficulty and went to the washroom to freshen up . She got ready and came back and saw that her hubby was still asleep . She got a naughty idea to wake her hubby up and walked to him with a naughty smile and mischievous eyes . She came to him and traced his nose with her hair tip , no response . She brought her hair to his ear and traced it there . He stirred a little in his sleep and again slept .  Irritated , she took the glass of water from their bedside table and sprinkled a little drops in his face , disturbing his sleep . 

Man : Baby , please let me sleep . 

Came a sleepy voiced reply immediately and the man again slept . Frustrated with his behavior she thought of something with an angry face that soon turned into a mischievous face . 

Woman : (shouting dramatically) Ahh !!! Arnav , baby kicked !!!

Arnav : (jerking from bed) WHAT THE ?? WHICH BABY KHUSHI??

Yes , the pretty couple are one and only our ARNAV and KHUSHI .... 

Khushi :(shrugging her shoulders) Don't know , you did not wake up so needed to do this . (sankadevi remains sankadevi always *wink*)

Arnav : (muttering) crazy girl !!

Khushi : Thank you .... 

Arnav : Urghhh....(and he went to the washroom rolling his eyes)

1. What are Arnav and Khushi doing together if Arnav did not return in the alter??

2. Why are they in London , away from family ?? 

3. What happened after Arshi's marriage broke ??

4. Is their marriage really broken or the Raizada family , who thinks so , are having own assumption??

5. If the Raizada family knows Arnav and Khushi are separated then why they are letting them stay together , or they do not know it ??

6. If the Raizada family don't know that Arshi are staying together , then how is Arnav in London , staying with Khushi for years ??

7. What about the Guptas??

So ... I am here with a new story ... many questions which will be answered in the upcoming chapters ... and ya the characters are not same as in the show ... I will be posting a character sketch and will give the necessary information needed there only .... hope you love the story .... 


Just a prologue I will update it after my exams finishes . Maybe some weeks after . Just a new concept . I will be continuing this if you want me to . Do comment down there and vote if you want me to complete it . I will complete it only if the response is good . I am clearly saying that I have my exams going on which will finish after few weeks so will update only after few weeks . Thank you all .




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