Last Part

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The very next day , the whole Raizada Family as well as the Gupta Family was found standing on the living room of the Raizada Mansion aka Shantivan ... most of the occupants having moist eyes . Khushi's , Arnav's , Nk's and Lav's lugguage were being taken to the car by the house helps when out of nowhere Aman reached there .

Arnav : (with confusion) Aman ?? You here ??

Aman : Uh ... yes ASR . Actually yesterday after Anjali's suicide attempt , police had came there for investigation and they found a letter pressed under a rubber-made thing there . And the letter is for you , so I came to hand over the letter to you before you depart .

Aman handed the letter to Arnav , who took it with no expression held on his face . He started reading while Khushi and Lav peeked to the letter by his sides .

Dear Chotte ,

I know I don't even have the right to call you that . But , I am sorry . I promise this is the last time you are gonna hear this ... sorry ... read this from my side . Maybe when you get this letter I will be no more . Just wrote to you to tell you sorry !! Sorry for everything I have done to you . I know sorry is a really small word to make you believe that I repent for my deeds , a lot . I know I have ruined your life . I just want you to live with Khushi , happily . May my life also get add to yours . I am really weak chotte . I am a really weak person , who could not even face her punishments . I am not like Khushi , so strong ... to face anything and everything . I know I realized my mistakes very late but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER . Don't ever forgive me chotte . I am your culprit , who ruined your life and more than that to fake love on you , when you loved me truly . But I was blinded by the greed I had for money . Though you gave me everything , I always craved for more . I was always selfish . I never loved you truly . I always loved myself . I knew that Shyam was a bad person . I knew he was cheating on me . I knew he killed my child just to come to Raizada Mansion . And I also know that it was not only him but also me who killed my own child . Yes , I knew all of his plans . In fact , we planned all of it together , to kill our OWN child . I killed my child just to make easy for Shyam to enter RM because he was a great help for me to do my criminal activities . I have a lots of illegal mansions and properties , which belongs to innocent people . Please make sure they get all of their properties . I cannot face the punishment so I took this step . Again , I am really very sorry for everything . Thank you for everything , as well . You are the best brother anyone could get ever but it was me who could not acknowledge that . You are an angel who got a devil in form of a sister . Please convey my apologies to Khushi also . I know I have done a lot to her which is unforgiveable . Stay happy always !! God Bless you two !! Good Bye !!

Your cunning minded sister ,
Anjali .

By now ... Arnav , Khushi and Lav all had tears in their eyes . Though Anjali did bad to them , still they had a good heart to feel bad for a person who committed suicide . Though Arnav hated her , still she was his sister , so it really pained him to read this . Turn by turn , all of the occupants read the letter . At the end , all were left with tears and a painfully thudding heart .

Khushi : Arnav , I think you should forgive her . What will we get , carrying a grudge with someone who is no more ?? Please Arnav . We should be happy that at least she understood her mistake . And even if you want to punish her still , forgiving her will be the most painful punishment for her soul .

Arnav : (nodding) You are right !! But don't think I am gonna do the last rites of her . (seeing Khushi about to interrupt) No arguments !!

Khushi : But ...

Arnav : Please !!

Khushi : Fine !!

Arnav : (turning to Aman and Akash) Uh ... Aman I hope you and Akash can take care of Shyam and others . Tomorrow is the hearing , right ??

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