Past (II)

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Arnav drove the car rashly without knowing his destination . He stopped the car with a jerk in a lonely road and came out , closing the door angrily with a thud . He leaned to the car door and slowly slipped down and brought his knees to his chest level . He remembered how he ignored Khushi and punished her for nothing wrong in the past , blindly trusting his sister's words . 




Arnav came to Shantivan tired with his office works and was about to rush to his room when he saw his sister sitting in the living room with Shyam blowing wind to her hand . He immediately went to her and took her hand in his . It looked like it was burnt . 

Arnav : (concerned) Di !! What happened to your hand it looks like it is burnt . Why ?? What happened ??? Shall I call the doctor ??

Anjali : (faking smile) No chotte I am fine !!

Arnav : What the !! Di , don't fool me I can clearly see that you have burnt your hand ......

Shyam : Saale saab (BIL) , how can you accuse her of the thing she has not done ??

Arnav : Matlab ?? (Means??)

Anjali : Nothing chotte !! Leave it Shyamji ... I am fine . I don't want him to know this .

Arnav : This , what di ??

Shyam : This means that your ...

Anjali : Shya....

Shyam : No Rani Saheba , he need to know this so that you won't get hurt again .

Arnav : What are you hiding from me di ??

Shyam : She is hiding that its your wife because of whom she is hurt today . 

Anjali : Shyamji please !!

Shyam : What please Rani Saheba ?? I don't give anyone the right to hurt my wife . 

Arnav : (frustrated) Can anyone tell me what actually happened ?? And how is Khushi the reason behind Di's burnt hand ??

Shyam : Saale sa...

Arnav : Di I am asking you and not anyone else , please tell me what happened ??

Anjali : Chotte , leave it I am fine .

Arnav : Di , you have my swear , tell me what happened ??

Anjali : (crying) Chotte , I don't want to hurt you but I cannot ignore the fact that you have given me your swear . Actually , what happened was I , Shyamji and Khushiji were only there in the house and as Khushiji is from a middle class family . she wanted a bucket of hot water to take a bath and she asked me to prepare it in the gas as she wanted . I didn't objected ignoring Shyamji who was telling me not to do it because HP , OP or JP could have done it but I thought Khushiji is new in this house so she would have felt bad if I did so and prepared the water for her . I went to your room to give her the water . I gave her the water and left but later I heard an angry shout from your room and went to check on her but she shouted at me and took me to the bathroom . I swear chotte , I did not prepare that hot water that would have burnt her . She dipped my hand in the burning water to punish me and my hand ..... I swear chotte I did not did that .

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