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"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!"

"Noooo," Hayes groaned, shoving her face into the pillow. It was way too early for her to be awake. Not to mention, she felt like she got hit by a bus - her throat hurt and her limbs felt heavy like lead.

"Yessss," Glen jumped onto the bed, nearly landing on top of her and jostling her body.

"Go away, Glen."

"I can't do that."

"Yes you can."

"No, I really can't." He flopped down on top of her back, his added weight making her groan more. "I'm so bored right now and as your brother, I cannot simply allow you to sleep while I am bored. I suffer, you suffer too. Sooo, let's go. Chop chop."

When Hayes made no indication that she was getting up, Glen groaned dramatically and stretched out like a starfish. "You're killing me, smalls."

"No, I think you're literally killing me." Hayes choked out. "Get off, you load. I can't breathe." She tried to wiggle her legs to push him off but it was a pathetic attempt.

"Will you get up?"

"Sure." She replied very unconvincingly.

"Are you actually going to get up or are you just saying that?"


"Fine, fine." He snickered and rolled off the bed. He squatted down, propping himself up on the edge of the bed in order to be eye level with Hayes. "But seriously, are you okay Hayes?" She removed her head from the pillow to look at him when his voice turned serious.

"I think so?" she answered hesitantly, resituating herself so she was now laying on her back staring at the ceiling.

"You haven't had a nightmare like that in ages." Glen frowned, "kinda scared me there. Was it the same as before?"

Hayes shrugged. She was becoming frustrated with her lack of memory in her early years.

"Well we're safe now. Just keep remembering that, alright? Or, you know, I could always move into this room with you. I'm sure Francis wouldn't mind." Hayes looked at him to see if he was still being serious or not. With the grin on his face, she decided he was not.

"I'll pass," she scoffed, "you fart too much."

"Says you."

"I'm a lady, and ladies don't fart."

"I beg to differ. Since when do you act like a lady? I don't think you can pull that card here but whatever floats your boat." Glen rolled his eyes at her. "Hey wait, stop distracting me!" He tugged the comforter off of her, tossing it to the end of the bed. "You gotta get up. Don't you want to test out the basketball hoop?"

Hayes' eyes widened, she had completely forgotten about that. Dang, he got her there.

"Give me 10 minutes," Hayes requested as she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position. Everything hurt and she was dying.

"5." He negotiated.


"6." Glen stood up fully and began backing out of the room.


"That's not how this works." Glen laughed. "Better hurry up, only 5 minutes and 47 seconds left!" His laughter continued to fill the room and down the hall as he ducked out of the room.

"Stupid brother," Hayes muttered. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, trying to wake herself up. Glancing around she analyzed Colton's room. He had yet to fully move all his belongings out and she hadn't unpacked so the room was still held an unfamiliar feeling to her. Realizing the room was pretty bright with no lights on, it must have been later than she thought. How late, she didn't know since Colton didn't have a clock in the room.

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