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*lil something to get you through these next couple weeks because ~test~ day is soon*


"I'll pass," Hayes' face morphed into one of disgust. She couldn't even look at it.

"Wasn't asking."

"I've already taken my vitamins. I don't need this." Hayes slapped Glen with the back of her hand when she heard him snicker.

"Oh? Should I confirm that with Austin?" Colton questioned, his attention focused on making sandwiches.

"No," Her shoulders slouched. He should definitely not bring that excuse to Austin.

Colton sighed as he began to clean up the bread crumbs. "Sunshine, it's not going to kill you. It's just milk."

"It's nasty."

Fed up from making no progress, Colton abandoned the counter, dusting his hands off in the sink before marching right over to the young girl. He picked up the cup to put it in the sink, "Fine, no ice cream this weekend." No sweat off his back.

"But that's not fair!"

"Then drink the milk!"

"I'll drink the fricking milk," Francis mumbled as he walked into the kitchen. He grabbed the cup from Colton and chugged it all in one breath. "Happy now?" He slammed the cup back into Colton's empty hand and went on his merry way to the fridge.

Hayes watched her brother with wide eyes. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and their name rhymed with Granny.

"No," Colton huffed at Francis' back, "That was for Hayes."

"Obviously she didn't want it," Francis rolled his eyes as he took out a water bottle.

"Obviously, she doesn't have a choice," Colton mocked, reaching past Francis' shoulder to grab the milk carton.

"Just drink the milk, HayHay," Glen added his two cents as he nudged her foot from his chair next to her. He was playing peace keeper this morning. The argument was nothing new. It occurred every morning since that darn doctor's visit, except it wasn't really an argument. Austin just let Hayes whine for a bit before putting his foot down.

But today, Colton had the unfortunate task of enforcing this which he was failing terribly at. Austin had an early meeting for work that he needed to be at so he was upstairs getting ready, swapping shower times with Hayes.

"Please Cole," Hayes begged, giving him a pouty face. It was a look she was beginning to master with her weaker link brothers. Austin still had strong resistance to it. Dakota, too, since he never did anything he didn't want to do.

A new freshly poured glass of milk was placed in front of Hayes. "Come on, Sunshine. It'd already be done by now if you didn't complain."

Hayes dramatically huffed, stubbornly keeping her arms folded. Milk be darned, she was not drinking it.

"I don't know why you guys keep trying. It's obvious that Sissy wants to look like a little girl for the rest of her life, with her little noddle arms." Francis was purposefully riling her up now.

Smiley and Sunshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें