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Tell me you love meeeeee

It's long, btw. Don't feel the need to read all at once, or not at all.  Whichever :p

If you hate it, LMK.
If you love it --> sweet. You are awesome.
Either way, probably won't change a thing because no go-backs hahaha

Baker didn't linger on the phone, so after Glen heard the three consecutive disconnected beeps, the boy silently handed Dakota back his phone.

Dakota silently took it, pocketing it in his black sweatpants. He returned to the position of arms crossed at the wrists, resting them on his knees. His inquisitive blue eyes danced over his kid brother, who was staring pointedly at a dead brown leaf on the garage floor.

The circle of death.

Dakota ran his tongue over his two front teeth, the tiniest bit of regret slipping into his mind. A little late for that. He hoped to hell he had just done the right thing, otherwise he probably just jeopardized any remaining chance of having any sort of relationship with the kid.

Was this life punishing him for his poor choices in life?

It was quite possible that Glen would want nothing to do with him. May never trust him again for anything.


The older brother needed to break the silence, before his dangerous thoughts overpowered him. He cleared his throat, having trouble swallowing from nerves. "So... you gonna murder me in my sleep tonight or are we cool?"

Without moving his head, Glen lifted his gaze upward from the leaf to look at Kota. He didn't hold the eye contact for longer than a quick second, averting his gaze back to the ground, but at least he spoke. "Debatable."

That single word made it a whole lot easier for Dakota to take his next breath.

Now the silence didn't bother him as much. He shifted his weight a little, as sitting on the hard, cold cement floor hurt his ass, but he didn't take his eyes of his little brother.

Kota wouldn't put it past Smiley to do a runner, as their sister often did, but he didn't think the kid was up to it. Dakota refused to look away because it gave him self-assurance that Glen was okay.

He was here, right in front of him. He was alive. He was breathing.

That's all Dakota could ask for.

Asking for anything more would be hypocritical, as Dakota surely been in Glen's shoes before.

Said boy forgone the leaf and began tracing the dirt on the ground, making random swirls and shapes.

Three minutes had passed before there was another sound daring to disturb the brothers.

Dakota felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as the ringtone blasted. He already knew who it was, considering only his siblings could bypass the DND, and did not even bother to glance at the caller ID before answering without a proper greeting.


Glen's ears perked up at his brother's flat voice, but he only heard the one side of the conversation, if you could even call it that. Short and blunt responses. Unlike Dakota, he wasn't too sure who was on the receiving end of the call. Six possibilities.

"In the garage."

Dakota rolled his eyes. "No."


"Baker is coming."

Well that crossed Baker off the list of siblings.

And Kota wouldn't dare talk to Hayes like that, not without the threat of any of their three older brothers having a word with him.

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