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50 cent, that you?
This is wildddddddd!

Nice easy read for a lazy Sunday afternoon. You're welcome.

"I farted. Teehee." -Glen (random throwback to ch8)

"Ow, shit."

Glen laughed at his brother's cry of pain, collecting the pile of cards on the table that were now his. He was winning by a lot, in case anyone had their doubts.

"It's not funny," Francis scowled, rubbing his poor elbow. There was nothing humorous about hitting the funny bone. Absolutely nothing. It hurt like a bitch.

"Yes it is," Glen replied with a easy-going grin. The light-hearted mood contrasted with the dark purple circles under both brothers' eyes. Neither brothers got much sleep, and after a while they had sort of given up and ambled downstairs for food.

There was no tiff or lingering animosity between the two of them. Almost as if nothing had happened besides a sleepless Saturday night. Which was far from the truth, but suffering through tragedy bonded them together for life so why dwell in the past when the present was much more brighter.

Plus, Glen, with the tenacity like none other, might have mentioned to Fran something along the lines of 'If you ever throw in the towel again, you'll be the one punched in the face next time.' Then they bro-hugged and went on their merry way.

All is fair in love and war, sometimes, even if Austin disagreed. But he didn't have to know about that exchange.

"You're cheating," Francis grumbled, looking at his sad deck of dwindling cards he had left.

"You're a sore loser," Glen retorted, watching as it was Fran's turn to flip over a card. Glen's knee was bouncing with all the suspense. Would the next card be a Jack? Only one way to find out.

Four of clubs.

"Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater." Francis snipped.

"Just gotta be faster, Granny Franny," Glen taunted, taking his turn to put the card down.

Nine of spades.

Francis' hand twitched with anticipation. He was determined to not let his baby brother be crowned victor. "Never knew you were such a trash talker,  baby broski."

Two of spades.

"What are the dipshits up to today?" Dakota alerted everyone of his presence, coming to a stop behind Glen's shoulder and overlooking their card game.

Five of diamonds.

Queen of hearts.

"Playing slapjack. Wanna play?" Glen invited Dakota, glancing at him over his shoulder. He could only look for a brief second as he wouldn't have put it past Francis to steal some cards from his pile.

Dakota didn't answer, instead being a pain in the ass and scaring the shit out of Glen when he roughly grabbed his shoulders. The kid was still a little skittish from the nightmares, even though he acted like he was unbothered.

Francis frowned, glaring a hole at Dakota's face until he finally stopped pestering Glen and went to search the fridge. "It's your turn," Fran said after a moment of silence.

Seven of spades.

Two of clubs.

King of clubs.

Jack of hearts.

"SLAPJACK!" There was no hesitation as hands met the wooden table in a resounding bang as both brothers rushed to slap their palm down first.

Smiley and SunshineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin