Fancy finding you here

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Drunk fluff, hinted smut? Idk (female reader)
(Swearing, angst)

Drunk, thats all you knew right now you could hardly stand, you was at the edge of the dance floor back against the wall, hazy with the bright lights and the deep thrum of the music vibrating threw you.
You were hot with how much body heat was around you, even though you was dressed in a tight black velvet dress with a pair of red heels you couldn't help but sweat. You hadn't intended to get so wasted you just needed an escape, with all the heist stuff that was happening and how many orders Debbie was barking at you, the decision was clear that tonight alcohol was your friend.
Your original plans were to go to the loft and go through the plans again but after a heated argument with Debbie after finding out Becker was involved and how she was going to frame him, you wanted a night of forgetting.
You could feel the vibrating of your phone as numerous calls from the girls kept coming, you didn't care, going back to the bar for your sixth shot and nearly stumbling over your feet the bartender gave you a sympathetic smile saying it's on the house and handed you a shot of vodka. You took a deep breath and held the shot in your hands, just as you was about to bring it to your lips you felt a hand snatch it away. Looking up you saw Lou necking the shot and slamming it on the side, you eyes went wide and you felt anger surge threw you, the blonde just looked at you and grabbed your arm as she pulled you threw the crowd and onto the street.
As soon as you was out she let go of your arm, you snapped out of your shocked state.
'What the fuck are you doing?!' You slurred as you wobbled on your heels, digging into your bag to get your cigarettes and lighter.
'Coming to save your ass seems as you're to drunk to care.' Lou looked you up and down with dark eyes , she was mad, not necessarily with you but with Debbie for getting you into this state without letting you have a break or clearing the argument you had.
'I'm fine, in fact never been better.' You said with a sarcastic tone as you lit your cigarette the smoke burning your throat. 'Did Debbie send you to do her dirty work?' The blonde just snickered as she came close to you, her hand caressing your lower back as she guided you to her car, 'no darling, she's worried sick we had Nine track you, you're a clever little bugger by the way, took her longer then usual seems as you'd put all that software on your phone.' You giggled at that, finishing your smoke and putting it out with your heels.
If you'd of known Lou was going to take you straight back to the loft where one Debbie Ocean would be you would of not got in the car in the first place, with your lagging brain you sat stubborn in your seat telling Lou to turn around and drive you home.
'No can do honey, you're staying with us tonight and you're gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning, let me take care of you.' Pulling up to her loft and turning to face you .With that she grabbed your chin softly, deep blue eyes staring at your features, you'd always liked Lou, she knew nearly everything about you, you'd spent long nights together planning, joking and even sleeping in the same bed seems as there was no space in the loft with all the girls. You'd grown feelings for her and now being so close you wanted to kiss her but the moment was interrupted with a tap on the window with the one person you didn't want to see. Lou groaned knowing it wasn't a good time, she got out the car and went to the passenger side to help you out.
'Well good to see you again kid.' Debbie said with a smirk, you just glared as Lou took hold of your waist and walked you inside. You went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka, taking the lid off and took a big gulp of it.
'Oh come on Y/N you're being ridiculous!' Debbie shouted in an amuse tone as Lou pushed passed her to take the bottle from you, as she went to grab it you backed away and tried to run to the other room but the Aussie was too quick and grabbed you with both hands around your waist 'oh no you don't pretty girl, Debbie get the bottle off her so I can help her upstairs.' You growled when Debbie came near you and snatched it out your hands, Lou still clung to you and guided you upstairs.

You immediately flopped back on her bed as she bent down to take your shoes off, 'I'm sorry' you said with the sudden urge to cry, you felt guilty for being rude and childish to Lou, she's the one who cared enough to come find you and all you did was treat her like shit.
You felt her grab your fingers which made you sit up, she was still on her knees when she brought your hand to her mouth kissing it. For some reason this made you well up and burst out crying, you've never had that tenderness and the night as a whole had been overwhelming, Lou brought you into her embrace picking you up and sitting you on her lap as she whispered sweet words to you and rubbed your back to soothe you.
'Hey now sweetheart, what's all this? Your alright, I've got you.' It felt like you was sitting there for hours, eventually your sobs turned into small sniffles your head on her shoulder, you sobered up a little but you felt all warm and fuzzy. Lou placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and slowly brought you face to look at hers, you had a red nose and your make up was running down you face; she couldn't help but chuckle and think how cute you looked.
'I'm sorry Lou, I shouldn't have been a brat to you. You're the best person in my life and I've treated you horribly.' You started welling up again Lou pulling you closer 'shhh Y/N we all handle situations differently, there's no need to be upset I've already forgiven you. Besides I like it when you're a little bratty.' You heard the smirk in her voice as your cheeks blushed. Meeting her eyes again you could see no harsh feelings, just pure love? Compassion? You wasn't sure but with the alcohol running in your system you pushed forwards and brought Lou into a sweet kiss.
She hummed and slid her hand to your throat softly seeing as she was loosing balance and she was scared that you were only kissing her because of your vodka lensed view on the situation.
'Woah sweetheart... As much as I want this I'm not gonna take advantage while you're still pissed.' You pouted at that and Lou had to hold onto what was left of her reserve.
'Now come on let's get you in something more comfortable and let me get rid of them panda eyes and we can sort this all out tomorrow.' She gave you a chaste kiss on the lips as she pulled out one of her signature shirts for you to put on.
You stumbled out your dress as you caught Lou looking you up and down, she just winked and went to get changed herself. She dragged you to the bathroom to take your make up off, she was so gentle it warmed you heart. She made you drink what felt like a gallon of water and then guided you under the covers of the bed you've been sharing for weeks. After you getting comfortable she climbed in next to you, pulling you close a comforting hand on your hip.
'Go to sleep darling, it'll all be sorted out tomorrow.' The last thing you remember is her kissing your temple, the mix of alcohol and Lous comforting warmth making you fall asleep quickly.

(The Next Morning)
Waking up took longer then usual, your head was pounding and your throat dry. You slowly sat up and saw that there was a glass of water and painkillers waiting for you, a little smile on your face knowing it could only be one person. You took them and got out of bed the loft was unusually quiet, clad in Lous shirt and a pair of slippers you made your way downstairs.
You could hear low muttering and when you made it into the living room you was met with the backs of Debbie and Lou. By the sounds of it they where disagreeing with one another and you had a to fight to keep the smirk off your face as you was still mad with Debbie. You cleared your throat and they turned to look at you, Lou looked amused and gave you a not so discreet once over which made you blush and Debbie just raised her eyebrows.
'Good morning' you said and made your way to sit on the couch opposite them. You had your head down you didn't know how to react, you had still not come to terms with Debbie's plan.
When you looked up Debbie was looking at you with guilt, which was rare. 'Y/N I'm sorry I never told you about Becker, I should've put it out there as soon as we started this. Trust me it would've been easier then dealing with you and Lou, I just need this to work he put me away, he's stolen 5 years of my life and I can't let this be a problem, I'm not going to change the plans so please don't ask me to. I just need you to talk to me so we can sort this out honey.' Debbie finished in the most gentle tone you'd ever heard from her.
'I-I understand Debs I do, that prick deserves payback that's not what's bothering me. It's the fact that it's even more dangerous with someone who knows your face... W-who's already put you away! Who's to say he won't do that again...' your voice cracked as you fought back tears, 'what if he puts us all away or some of us, what if he takes you away again or Lou. I don't want to loose the most important people in my life.' You was sobbing, your fingers digging into your thighs, shaking as you could feel panic surging threw you. ' I can't watch you get arrested again. To know that I'll end up alone, I can't do it.' With that you felt a pair of cool hands at each side of your face, you looked up and met Debbie's brown eyes filled with tears; Lou watched on with a sad tint in her eye but kept quiet as she knew that you two needed a moment.
'That is not going to happen, I will never leave you again, ok? And neither is Lou.' She swiped her thumbs on your cheeks to get rid of your tears and kissed your forehead. Debbie was one of your closest friends you couldn't go without her again and now with Lou you knew you couldn't survive being on your own again.
'How about I go get us breakfast from that cafe you like? I'm sure your hangover could do with it' Debbie chuckled which had you giggling as well.
After placing your orders, Lou came and sat next to you. 'You ok sweetheart?' You nodded and came closure, putting your legs on her lap she immediately started rubbing your calves.
'I'm ok, sorry I feel like all I do is cry.' You giggled and she looked at you with understanding, 'I-I really like you Lou, I shouldn't have just kissed you like that but I guess drunk Y/N is more confident. I just want you to know that there's no pressure to-' you was cut off by Lou grabbing your chin and kissing you, you wasted no time in reciprocating it as you slid on top of her lap.
Soft hums filled the room as Lous hands where holding your waist, you parted gasping for air placing your forehead against hers.
Lous hands came up to your cheeks and made you look up at her 'you my darling need to get this in your pretty little head that you are safe. No one is taking you away, and I like you to honey a lot. I was scared when you woke up it would be awkward but I'm glad we've sorted it.' You was both looking at each other in adoration you traced her features with your fingers, softly like you could break her at any moment; you leaned in and this time there was no tension as you both kissed each other fiercely.
Lou laid you down on the sofa as she slowly lifted her shirt up your body, you groaned into her mouth as she softly placed her hands to cup your breast. Smirking into your mouth she started leaving kisses down your jaw to your neck. As her hands made their way down to-
You both froze as you heard the door open and close 'hey guys I also got us some- OH MY GOD MY EYES!' Debbie had been quicker then you both expected as you burst into a fit of giggles as Debbie threw your breakfast at you both.
'You two will be the death of me!'
But you wouldn't have it any other way.

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