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Madison was staring up at the ceiling on the bed when Jase walked into the room, leaning his back up against the door after closing it. She didn't move. Tears continued to stream down the sides of her cheeks.

It wasn't the prospect of never getting Mia back that caused her so much distress, she knew they would, one way or another. It was the fact that though she could blame as many people as she wanted to, it was all her fault. She should never have left Mia alone with Lily just to try and save face and prove that she refused to run and hide scared. Jase had been right to be as cautious as he was and she'd batted away his warnings about going out with little concern, as if he didn't know what he was talking about. And now her baby was God knows where with terrible people.

She would never forgive herself.

And as much as she hated it and wanted to push him and everyone else away right now, she needed Jase. Because without him she wouldn't return from the destructive depths of her own despair. Her breath shuddered between her lips as she sniffled and dried her eyes for the millionth time.

"You were right," she choked. Jase's brows furrowed. "It got worse before it got better, but I can't see it getting better right now."

He pressed his lips together, staring down at his feet and slipped his hands in his pockets.

"It will. We're getting closer every day. We know Benny's behind it now and I know how he works. We're going to get Mia back and then we'll deal with Tommy and Benny."

Madison just nodded half heartedly but something told her she could never do the damage she wanted to do to either of them. No amount of pain or death would suffice or satisfy her. A burning flame of anger rested idly in the pit of her stomach, waiting for an opportunity to be let out. The mattress dropped under Jase's weight of pure muscle. Yet again, Madison silently counted her lucky stars that she wasn't alone in all this. She wouldn't feel half as strong without his presence. His hand was warm against her cheek, tears running along the seal it created on her face. "I made a promise that everything would be okay and I intend on keeping it."

"I can't believe I let this happen," she whispered. Jase shook his head.

"You didn't, we never knew they'd stoop this low. None of us saw this coming-"

"But it was always a possibility," she interrupted, anger bubbling to the surface. "I hope to God she can't remember any of this when she's older and we can live normal lives." Even now, Jase's heart double beat at the mention of 'we' and the idea that there was a future for them. Mickey's words had brought him some comfort concerning what she'd said about never wanting to be around him again but what he really needed was the reassurance from Madison herself. Little bits at a time would do for now.

"One day, this will all be a thing of the past and we'll never have to look over our shoulders again," Jase sighed, moving so he was laying beside her, pulling her into his arms. That's when the real waterworks came, hot and fast. Madison buried her face in his shoulder and he did the only thing he could do at that moment; stroked her hair and assure her he wasn't going anywhere.

Jase woke up with a jolt and the sound of banging on the bedroom door.

"Jase, get up, Benny's calling-" Sam hadn't even finished saying Benny's name before the door was wrenched open and Jase was brushing past him, jogging downstairs. Sam's phone was in the middle of the table in the kitchen, Jase picked it up and held it to his ear.

"Where is she? Is she safe?"

"Good to hear from you too, old friend. She's fine. She's had some toast for breakfast and we're even letting her colour. Don't worry, we aren't strapping her to a table and doing anything monstrous. Give me some credit, I'm not that bad," Benny replied far too calmly for Jase's liking.

"Cut to the chase Benny, what do you want?"

"That simple, huh?" Benny replied. Jase looked up to see Madison in the doorway, her sleeve between her teeth and eyes swimming with anxiety. "What do I want?" Benny clicked his tongue in Jase's ear repeatedly, mock thinking as if he hadn't already prepared a list of demands. Jase was prepared to throw him any amount of money it took. Hell, he would hand over the club and workshop if he had to. There was nothing he wouldn't- "Mickey." Benny's singular order broke through everything Jase had already mentally agreed to.

"Mickey?" Jase repeated, unsure he'd heard him right.

"Mickey," Benny responded simply. Jase's attention flickered to Mickey, then Sam and finally Madison. Benny sighed on the other end of the phone. "I'll give you some time to think it over and we'll be back in touch soon." The phone beeped as he hung up and Jase slowly lowered it back to the table.

"What did he want?" Madison asked apprehensively. By the look of stress on his face, she knew it wouldn't be straight forward.

"Your dad," he said quietly. An ominous feeling settled over the room.

"Done," Mickey said, as if it was an easy decision to make. But for him it was because he knew something no one else in the room knew.

"No," Madison said defiantly, stepping into the kitchen and shaking her head, "not a chance, I'm not sacrificing anyone for anyone, there'll be another way around this." But even she wasn't sure. Benny had been cruel enough as it was in the house and now he had a somewhat genuine reason to behave like the nasty bastard he truly was. "I mean it, we'll find another way. Whatever it takes. We'll trace the number or-"

"No caller ID," Kieran said, looking at her, "it can't be traced." Madison was losing hope by the second but she refused to cave and give Benny what he wanted. He had taken her daughter, he wasn't going to take her dad as well.

"Then we'll go to Tommy's house, pay his family a visit-"

"Tommy doesn't have any family," Sam said, empathising for her. As much as he wasn't Madison's biggest fan, he hadn't met many people that had taken as much shit as she had over the years without developing a drug habit or ending up working the streets.

"There will be another way. He's not just going to demand hostages left right and centre, I won't let him have that kind of control." They all watched as she turned on her heel and left the room. Jase looked at Mickey who sat back with a sigh, rubbing his scarred cheek in frustration. They all knew there wasn't another way and Benny didn't want Mickey to hold him as a hostage.

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