Regrettable Decisions (Part 2)

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As requested, a part two! Enjoy :)

''I would tell you my name, but you already know it,'' you smiled, the first real smile Daisy had seen you give. It was small but had a huge effect on her.

She couldn't help but mirror your smile and the teasing tone of your voice. ''Kinda hard not to, with half the criminals in the city scared of you and the other half wanting to kill you.''

Daisy's remark had had the opposite effect. Instead of trying to lighten the mood, it dampened it. For the first time since she had walked in, you broke eye contact, dropping your gaze to your uncomfortable hands. The shame and disappointment you felt about the things you had done and the person you had become getting too much. 

She watched your sad eyes, her heart sinking in her chest. She needed to speak, try and break this painful moment. ''Why me?'' she asked after a short silence, realizing you weren't going to respond.

You shrugged, finding the courage to look at her again. She was all ears, waiting patiently. ''SHIELD was getting too close. My father wanted to scare you off.''

''Yeah I get that. But why me?''

You furrowed your brows, confused she didn't understand why she was the target and why not any of the other agents. ''You're kidding, right?'' you asked sarcastically, but were met with an empty look. ''Quake is a superhero, a legend. If my old man could get to you, he could get to anyone.''

''Quake,'' Daisy repeated to herself. ''So it wasn't personal.''

Now you were the one who was confused, not understanding where she wanted to go with her comment. ''I'm afraid I don't understand your question.''

''Quake is a persona, a facade, she's different than Daisy. They're different people,'' she explained after a sigh. It was a tired sigh, maybe she had to explain this to people every day and was getting tired of them only seeing her as the hero and not the person behind it. ''I'm sure you can understand that.''

You stared at her, suspecting what she meant but you wanted to hear her say it. ''What are you saying?''

''I'm saying I think who you have become isn't who you really are. You have a good heart, poisoned by revenge, anger and pain.''

She spoke out of experience, her eyes slightly fogged over with a memory from another time. 

You scoffed, averting your gaze back to your hands. You normally weren't one to get restless or nervous easily, but the way Daisy saw you made you want to prove to her that she was right. Made you want to prove you were good and that scared you. ''You don't even know me.''

''I don't have to. I can feel it.''

You raised an eyebrow jokingly. ''I thought Inhumans only had one power?''

Daisy playfully rolled her eyes, appreciating your joke. ''You have already seen my powers up close.''

Her smile warmed your heart. ''And felt them,'' you reminded her, the stinging wounds on your hand proof of that. ''Thanks for that by the way.''

She shrugged, tapping and swiping on her tablet. Immediately you missed the opportunity to read her eyes. ''Shouldn't have tried to run.''

''Should have known better than to try and kill you. I see now that was pointless to begin with.'' You mumbled the last part to yourself, sliding down in your chair slightly. 

''So why did you?'' she asked distracted, still focused on the device. Her ability to multitask was impressive.

''I didn't exactly have a choice,'' you shrugged, acting as if it didn't bother you when in fact it did, there was just nothing you could do about it. ''Once you're in, there's no way out. No way that ends with your heart beating anyway.''

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