The New Deal (Part 3)

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Part three of the 1930's timeline. Thank you  for requesting a third part! I'm happy with how this turned out and I hope you liked it! If anyone wants a part 4, let me know. For now, enjoy!

Coulson drove the car up the ramp, jumping out when he saw two people fighting in the cargo bay. You followed Daisy out, who pushed you behind her to shield you from the older Asian woman who looked like she was out for blood.

''May!'' Coulson pulled her attention to him and away from the bald guy she was fighting, who had a... hole in his head, revealing shiny metal parts.  ''Stand down.'' 

You should have been listening to the conversation that followed, but they were talking about something you didn't understand and you were way too distracted by the vehicle you stood in. 

Never had you seen something so modern. There was so much metal and it was all so refined, so futuristic. There were screens everywhere, tiny lights flickering on the wall. Now you and the car were the ones out of place, not the team.

''Hey,'' Daisy's voice snapped you out of your trance and when you looked at her, she smiled at your astonishment. ''Are you going to keep standing here or do you want to see the rest of the plane?''

You realized the others had already gone and it was just the two of you left. 

You chuckled at your silliness. ''I'm sorry. I was just trying to take this all in.''

Daisy took your hand, pulling you towards the front of the plane. ''If you find this shocking, you should see the control room.''

You tried to not trip on the uneven floor. It certainly wasn't made for thin heels. Over Daisy's shoulder, you could see the room come into view and a gasp left your lips. There was light everywhere, coming from a source you couldn't see. Glass doors and clean black surfaces made it look professional and you were sure you hadn't seen half the materials in this room before.

Through a window on your left, you saw the woman named May in some sort of pod. She looked to be sleeping but there was probably another function to it.

The man who clearly wasn't a man -like the inhumanly strong security guards back in the club- was being examined by Jemma while the Latina woman whose name you still didn't know, questioned him.

''Were you able to contact Mack?'' The way she asked that made you wonder if there was more between her and the tall man. 

''Negative. But I did make considerable advances. Once we are in the air and closer to our destination, we should be able to make contact.''

Daisy saw you stare at Enoch, trying to figure out what he was. Even his voice didn't sound human. It was robotic almost. 

''He's a Chronicom,'' she explained to you. ''From a planet in another solar system.''

When you stared at her blankly, unsure if that name should have made sense to you, she continued. ''They're basically robot aliens.''

Understanding flashed behind your eyes, but since you were talking to a time traveler, you were sure there would be more stories than a robot. ''He is not the weirdest thing you have encountered, is he?''

Daisy shook her head, chuckling. ''Trust me, he is not.''

You admired the way her face lit up and couldn't wait to hear her tell you all her adventures and listen to her talk for hours. ''I can't wait to hear about it.''

Coulson interrupted your conversation. ''Unfortunately, that will have to wait. Y/N, if you were so kind as to take us to Hell.''

You nodded confidently, ready to help the team save Freddy. ''Absolutely. Do you have a print of the city?''

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