Maveth (3x10)

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Summary: together with the team, you have infiltrated the castle where the portal to the alien planet will open, where Fitz and Coulson are. HYDRA is there too, looking for the ancient and powerful creature they once sent there. Mack and Daisy stay with the portal in case the monster comes out and not your teammates. If he does come through, Mack's orders are to blow up the castle. 

It was a tricky mission: infiltrate the castle that was completely controlled by HYDRA, get to the portal in time to ensure Fitz' and Coulson's safe return and try to find Jemma. 

Bobbi, Mack and Hunter had fought their way through to the portal chamber, securing it while waiting for the others. 

The other team consisted of May, you, Daisy, Lincoln and Joey, a new inhuman who could control metal. 

Before you went in, you didn't know if it was Jemma or Fitz who went through, but you had ran into Jemma on your way into the castle. She had a cut on her cheek from the torture they had put her through, but otherwise, she was fine. 

By blacking out the castle, your team found their way to the portal chamber as well, where a discussion quickly grew about the portal.

Hunter was already waiting for you, leading you towards Mack and Bobbi, who was tying up some soldiers she clearly knocked down on her way in. 

Joey was ordered to try and barricade the doors to keep HYDRA soldiers from coming in. They were literally locking themselves inside the chamber to wait until the portal opens.

''There she is. That's what I'm talking about. Now, do you have any idea how the hell these rocks work?'' Mack asked Jemma as soon as she saw her. There were lots of screens in the portal room, but none of them made sense to him. 

A timer in the corner of the room sparked Lincoln's attention. He gestured to it, unsure of what it meant. ''Is that counting down to a good thing or a bad thing?''

''It's the time remaining until the portal reopens,'' Jemma answered. The clock said 47 minutes, which meant they had to pray the doors would hold that long and HYDRA wouldn't come in before that. ''And answering your question, I don't believe we have to do anything to these rocks. They're configured so they'll activate at the designated time.''

''So that's a good thing,'' you said, referring to Lincoln's question earlier.

''That depends on whether Fitz can locate the extraction point and who or what is with him.'' Worry radiated off Simmons. Worry for Fitz and Coulson and if they could find the exit point in time to come back. 

She went on to explain what else she found out during her time as a hostage. Apparently, they were very free in giving her information, probably not expecting her to come out of this alive. 

Nobody said anything as she told you about the ancient and powerful inhuman on the other planet that is extremely dangerous. Ward and his team are there to bring him back to Earth, which would not be a good thing. 

Jemma described how it destroyed an entire civilization and how much fear she felt when it was close to her. From her words, it was clear that this creature should never make it to Earth. 

Everyone grew restless, afraid of this new player that completely ruined their original plan to just wait until the portal opened, grab their friends and knock out the HYDRA guards.

''We have to destroy all this.'' Lincoln was most reckless and was really uneasy. He stood on Daisy's other side and you looked around her to see him. Clearly, he had known Fitz and Coulson the shortest and didn't care about them like you and the others did.

Daisy Johnson ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon