Forced Conversations

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Summary: you and Daisy get caught on a mission and have no other choice than to talk about your feelings for each other.

''This wasn't how I imagined my birthday to go,'' you sighed, annoyed. The ropes around your wrists hurt and they were tied together in an awkward position. Also, if you moved your hands around too much, they would touch Daisy's. 

''It is your birthday?'' She asked from behind you. You couldn't see her face but she sounded surprised. 

You rolled your eyes. ''Yes, Agent Johnson, it is,'' you answered sarcastically.

You hadn't been happy when Coulson said you were to team up with Daisy on this mission. You had known her for almost a year and a week ago, you finally conjured up the courage to tell her how you feel. 

It could have gone a hundred different ways but what you didn't expect was for her to say nothing and walk away.

You had been disappointed at first, and sad, but now you were just angry. She could have at least given you an explanation and talked to you instead of bolting and ignoring you from that moment.

You had put yourself out there, putting your friendship on the line, made yourself vulnerable and her answer was silence. Now there was an awkward tension between the both of you.

''Happy birthday,'' Daisy genuinely told you. 

''Thanks,'' you said dryly, really not in the mood to talk to her. The situation didn't leave any other choice though.

Daisy looked around for a way out, finding nothing. ''Looks like we'll be trapped for a while.''

You were in a room that suppressed powers, something you quickly found out when Daisy tried quaking out of her binds. So you just had to wait for SHIELD to come get you out or for someone to come in and try getting him close enough to knock him out and hope he has a knife on him. 

''Great,'' you groaned, ''exactly what I needed right now.''

Daisy grew annoyed with your cryptic answers. ''If you wanna say something to me, just say it.''

''I already said what I wanted to say. You're the one who barged out without saying anything!''

It stung her when you hissed those words at her, trying to turn your head around so you could see her. Daisy, in fact, did feel the same way as you but after everything that happened in her life, she was scared of letting anyone in again. People who got close to her, got hurt. Bad. 

She hung her head in shame, knowing she was wrong. ''I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.''

You really didn't want to have this conversation now. Or ever really. You wished you had never told her anything. You missed her. You missed being able to talk to her about anything.

''If you don't feel the same way, just tell me and we can try and forget I ever said anything.'' 

Daisy almost panicked. She didn't want that. ''I don't want to forget anything,'' she quickly said. It frustrated her she couldn't see you. She wanted to see your face, wanted to know what emotions you were feeling.

You stayed silent, not knowing how to react to that. What did she mean? 

When you didn't react, Daisy continued. ''In fact, I was so happy you finally told me how you felt.''

''I don't understand, D. Just tell me what you want to say because I am getting so many mixed signals from you.''

Daisy's heart jumped when you used your nickname for her. Maybe you hadn't shut her out entirely.

Daisy Johnson ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora