Chapter 6

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Annabeth's POV:

Seriously, I had the worst luck. My plan was to avoid Percy for the rest of my life. It might seem a bit dramatic but after seeing him kiss Erin, I just couldn't face him. I know it's pathetic but I just can't help it. It's truly ridiculous that I'm so devastated over a stupid crush, but that's the thing, it doesn't feel like just a crush. Wow, that's so corny. Who knows how I feel about Percy.

My mind is exploding but I guess that doesn't matter to Ms Field because she partnered me with him anyway. I have no idea how I'm going to survive working on a project with Percy. Normally I would have been thrilled but now I just felt embarrassed. I literally cried in front of him because he kissed another girl, jeeze that's so dumb. God why did I have to be partners with him?

Percy tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Annabeth, do you want to start working on the project today?" he whispered. It sounded so formal. This was so weird.

"Um, yeah sure." I couldn't even look at Percy. It was probably rude but I just stared at the floor.

"Ok great, um we could go to mine or-" Percy began.

"We'll go to mine." I cut him off. I didn't need to sit in the same room Erin and Percy kissed. No thank you.


The walk home was more than just awkward. Percy attempted to start a conversation a few times but I barley talked; only giving him one-word answers.

"So have you thought about what are project should be about?" Percy questioned. The project was supposed to be about something we had covered so far in the year, I was actually really excited because we had a lot of creative freedom, well that was before I was partnered with Percy. I wanted to do my project on Greek Mythology. We covered it early this year during our history unit and it was so cool. However, instead of suggesting it I just shrugged my shoulders.

"What did I do?" Percy stopped walking and looked at his feet.


"I know I forgot about you coming over but I do that all the time and I didn't really think it would make you cry and...." He trailed off looking up at me with shame in his eyes.

"It wasn't that you forgot."

"Then why are you so mad at me, I didn't do anything wrong!" Percy voice filled with frustration. I looked away again. I couldn't just admit my feelings for him.

"Seriously, I need to know okay. I miss you and whatever is going on I deserve to know." Percy voice raised.

"I miss you too." I whispered.

"THEN WHAT IS IT!" He shouted.

"YOU KISSED HER!" I yelled back. "AND GO FOR IT, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT BUT I DON'T NEED TO WATCH OKAY!" My face filled with rage. Percy just stood there in shock. He stared straight into my eyes and then his frown turned slowly into a smile. He took two steps forward standing right in front of my face. I thought he might slap me for a second but he just stared straight into my eyes. It all happened so fast. I had no time to process him grab my face and pull me closer to close the gap between our lips. It felt like my heart might explode. Every time our lips reconnected, a spark shot though my whole body. I ran my hands through his hair as he cupped my face in his hands.

We stood there in the middle of the street in a tight embrace with our lips connected for what felt like an eternity however it was probably only two or three minutes. When we finally separated I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"I've been waiting for you to do that since I met you." I laughed. Percy's smile was electric I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He slipped his hand into mine and led me down the street. He didn't let go until we reached my house. We ran up the stairs and into my room. I slipped my bag off my back and Percy did the same time.

I push him lightly against the wall pressing my lips to his. His arms wrapped around my waist and I drape my arms over his shoulders. My body leaned against his. Everything was going so fast. I was actually kissing Percy Jackson. How was this happening? I couldn't stop beaming. I released my lips from his.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, with a face of concern, he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. We were so close I could feel his breath against my face.

"Were supposed to be working on a school project." I whisper.

"Really, you would rather do that?" Percy sends me a flirtatious smirk before pecking me quickly on the neck, then the cheek moving his wave up to my lips. When his lips reach mine, he hesitates giving me a small smile before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I would much rather do that..." I laugh "...but we have to start."

"Party pooper." Percy teases. I stop leaning on him, grab his hand and drag him to my desk. His fakes a frown, but opens up his textbook.

"I was thinking Greek Mythology..." I went on about my ideas for the project ten times more excited than I felt just a few minutes ago. To think I was dreading this project. It was going to be great.

I leaned against Percy as he shared his ideas and he played with my hair. I couldn't focus on anything other than him, was I dreaming? I had to be dreaming. There was no way this was real. He was so perfect and so sweet. I couldn't contain my joy. I just stared into his sea green eyes as he went on about different Greek Gods.

Heyy guys I know its been quite a while but HAPPY NEW YEARS! I hope you all have had a good start to 2021.

I know this story is moving very fast and there isn't much development and I'm truly sorry about that. It is not what I intend but drama packed chapters are much more fun to write and read so I haven't had to many simple ones. I'll try to make the next one a little more low key but who knows.

If any of you have any suggestions please let me know because I do have a few ideas but I would love your input. Thank you all so much and again I'm sorry about the long break.

Song of the week = Its not the same anymore - Rex Orange County



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