Chapter 11

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Noah's POV:

Where to start. It's been quite chaotic, I never thought in a million years that I would be sitting in class with Erin's hand in mine. I liked to think we were subtle about it. Our hands out of immediate eye sight, clasped under the desk, but to be honest I wanted people to know. I had kissed Erin, she was holding MY hand. She was looking at ME. I don't know, it's ridiculous but I wanted everyone to know she was mine.

Well, I suppose that's not even true, Erin and I kissed in the library a week ago and since all we had done was hold hands in class. Only in class. It had been an accident at first, I just grabbed her hand, I must have been feeling brave. Now it has almost become routine. However, other than that we hadn't done anything else. Not even talk about it. 

I want to be with Erin and I thought she wanted to be with me, but I'm not so sure anymore. I've seen her do this with other people before. Too many other people. They "dated" for a week or two, kissing awfully too much in the hallways, then Erin would dump them. Just like that. Can Erin even dump me now even though we haven't labeled anything? Is that even possible? I suppose she could just stop holding my hand. 

I liked her hands. They were soft, small and incredibly cute, but that's beside the point. I wasn't sure how to approach the situation. I definitely can't do it now we are in the middle of class and I definitely don't need to make a scene. I'll ask her after class. Scratch that, I'll try to ask her after class. 

Percy and Annabeth are doing great by the way. They have stopped trying to hide there relationship and are absolutely crazy about each other it is kind of gross sometimes. I've caught Percy staring at Annabeth sometimes and I wonder if that's what I look like when I stare at Erin. Did I ever look at Annabeth that way? Not that it matters. I think it was best to move on from Annabeth. I can't say I'm completely over Annabeth but I think I've become less delusional. Possibly. Maybe I'm just delusional about Erin. I think she likes me but I also thought Annabeth liked me and we know how that ended. 

"Psst, Erin." I whisper. She tilts her head up from her books and looks towards me.

"Can we talk after class?" Her face falls a little but she smiles and nods but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Her hand loosened in mine. Shit. It took me a little bit to realize what I had said but now it was far to late to take it back. It sounded like I wanted to break up. If that's even possible to do with someone you've only kissed twice. I wanted to blurt out that I didn't mean it like that, but I couldn't think of an appropriate way to say it so I just squeezed her hand tighter.


"So." Me and Erin stood by the lockers outside the classroom. I leaned against the lockers hoping to look casual but honestly I think I just looked stupid. 

"So." Erin repeated.

"Right well, I just wanted to talk... about... you know." I gestured between us. She stiffened.

"Yeah um, it's okay if you don't wanna do... you know." She copied my hand gesture. What? That is not where this conversation was going.

"What? No. I... wait do you not wanna do... us." 


"What are we Erin?"  She looked at me confused.

"What do you want us to be?" She asked. God I just wanted a straight answer. I figured I was already a lost cause at this point. It couldn't get much worse so I blurted it all out.

"I want there to be an us. I want to do more than just hold hands under our desks. I want to know what this is. I..." I grabbed Erin's hands.

"Are you embarrassed by me or something?" I question. It was in the back of my mind, I definitely wasn't her usual type. It would explain things.

"No. No, absolutely not I just didn't want to mess it all up. I don't normally get feelings like this."

"But you've dated so many-"

"Not like this. Your different. I don't want to mess it up. I don't know how to do the whole girlfriend thing, I break up with people before it gets to anything. I-"

"Girlfriend huh? Does that mean I get the boyfriend role." I smirk, I wasn't making it all up in my head.

"Shut up." She smiled. It was a very public kiss, not like our other ones. Just as good though.

"So do you wanna go out some time... girlfriend?" I couldn't believe my own bravery.

"Of course.... boyfriend." She giggled, her smile lighting up her face and I never wanted to look away. 

I know this isn't a very thrilling end to the story but I honestly can't see how it can really go on. Thank you so much to everyone who came along on this journey. I know I was absent for months at a time, thank you to everyone who has stuck with me though. 

If anyone has any ideas or things they want me write about in a future story please let me know!!

I love you all so much thank you thank you thank you!!!



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