Chapter 7

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Noah's POV:
School was awkward to say the least. Erin acted like nothing had happened so I just followed along. If she didn't think it meant anything then I didn't either. Yet, things felt different around her, suddenly I was neater around her, I didn't tease her anymore. I guess I just didn't want to upset her. I don't know. She also seemed more neat and put together, wearing nice clothes that weren't as casual as usual. 

I can't stop thinking about it. I tell everyone I've had my first kiss so they don't think I'm lame or weird but to be honest Erin was my first kiss. I can't compare it to much but if that's what all kissing felt like I'm a little sad I haven't kissed anyone else. I don't know. It was so out of the blue. I just want to talk about it but I don't want her to think I like her or anything. 

Shit, how can things get worse. I've been so distracted I hadn't even noticed Annabeth and Percy in a full blown conversation. Clearly she's not mad at him anymore. Great, just great. They were sitting incredibly close to each other it was weird. I am not a fan. God, why did they have to makeup. 

At least there not dating that would be awful. I don't even know why they were fighting or why there friends again but I suppose weirder stuff has happened. Like Erin. Erin. Why couldn't she just leave my mind? 

"So what did you guys choose for your project?" I questioned Annabeth and Percy. Both of them paused, Annabeth slightly chocked on her water, while Percy just laughed. What is wrong with them.

"We didn't get up to much studying yesterday but we are thinking Greek Mythology." Percy smirked. What did he mean by 'not much studying' and why was it so funny? I let out a bit of a forced laugh and went back to my lunch. I didn't really want to think about it anymore. However, that just left room for thoughts about Erin. I looked up across the table to see Erin looking straight at me. We both quickly looked away. Jeeze why is this so awkward, I just wanted my bestfriend back.

I focus on my sandwich instead of the others around me. Soon enough lunch was finishing and the bell was about to go. I said by to the others as well all went to get our books for the next period. 

I made it to my locker and grabbed the required books for Greek which I had next with Annabeth, Percy and Erin, how great. I was about to head to class when two voices came from a classroom. Percy and Annabeth. What were they doing? 

"Why don't you want to tell anyone?" Annabeth asked.

"You know Noah asked you out and I just feel bad for him okay." Percy calmly argued.

"Okay fair enough, but you know we should tell people soon."

"I promise we will it's just fun when it's a secret." Peaking through the gap in the door I saw Percy begin walking towards Annabeth. What was he doing to her? Was he going to hurt her? I quickly smacked my books on the ground, grabbing Percy and Annabeth's attention. They looked towards the door but I was long gone, running quickly to class so no one would know I was eaves dropping. 

All the commotion made me completely forget how awkward it was with Erin. I slid into the seat beside her in Greek. 

"Oh my god, you will never guess what I just saw." I whispered. She looked shocked to see me talking to her I kind of had just been avoiding her and she avoided me. Yet, she didn't look mad.


"Percy was approaching Annabeth in a classroom all alone and I think-" I was cut off.

"That there dating, yeah it's kind of obvious."

"WHAT!!" I couldn't contain my shout and got a few weird look from the students. 

"Yeah they were literally holding hands underneath the lunch table today." Huh. How? No I don't believe it.

"They were fighting because I kissed Percy so obviously Annabeth was...." Erin blabbered on but all I seemed to register was that Erin had kissed Percy. I knew she was going to distract him but I didn't know the full blown plan. Why do I feel sick. What was going on.

"You kissed Percy?" I interrupted.

"Yeah didn't you know." Maybe I did but hearing it out loud made me want to vomit. 

"Why?!" I was angry and aggressive, but why. Erin didn't do anything wrong.

"For you idiot!" Erin whisper shouted.

"I suppose you just kiss anyone now huh." I don't know why I was being so petty but I felt angry. Why was I so angry. Erin had dated and kissed many guys but I was angry now. I wasn't jealous right. Wait, right?

"Seriously." Erin was mad now too. I instantly felt bad. Shit it's going to be extra awkward now. Erin grabbed her chair and shuffled further away from me. Shit this isn't what I intended. What have I done. 

Normally Greek involves me glaring at Percy for being good at Greek but I didn't even notice him this lesson. I passed notes, whispered to her and even sent her texts but Erin wouldn't even look at me. I tried focusing on my work too but I was awful at Greek, either Annabeth or Erin would normally help me but one of them wouldn't talk to me and the other I didn't want to talk to. It couldn't be true that Annabeth and Percy were dating anyway. Erin probably just said that to make me feel bad.

I shut my eyes and banged my head on my desk. I am so stupid. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I can't even think, my brain is too crowded. I couldn't focus in the loud classroom.

I grabbed my stuff and got out of my chair.

"Noah? Please sit back down." But I didn't I just left the class the faint calls of my teacher yelling at me but I didn't care. I don't care, I just need to think. So I left school and walked home where it would be quiet.

Okay I finally updated hopefully you enjoy. 

I have another story coming out soon (not Percy Jackson themed sorry) It is actually a original fantasy story but don't stress it will have a romance ahaha. I'm not sure when I'll release it but I think I will try to work on this story first. 

Have a great day love you alllllll.

btw if you haven't listened to drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo yet please do it's sooo good.



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