Chapter 2

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Noah's POV:

Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Who did this Percy guy think he was. He wouldn't leave Annabeth's side all day. He isn't even that good looking. What do Becca and Erin see in him? What is going on? I find out I'm Annabeth's crush (basically) and now this guy comes to take her away. Also I know what your thinking and no. Annabeth doesn't like Percy, she likes me. I can see the black hair might be confusing but, you see, I have black hair too. Annabeth definitely doesn't have a crush on Percy, he's just trying to take her away from me. That's why they haven't left each others side. Duh. 

"Noah are you even listening?" Erin waved her hand in front of my face. 

"Shit, sorry." I kept getting sidetracked with Annabeth, I had completely zoned out. The last thing I remember was Erin saying something about Percy. We were supposed to be studying because Erin came late this morning but mostly Erin has just gossiped. 

"God, anyway I just need a plan to get Annabeth away from Percy then I can spend time with him." Wait what? That's perfect, if Erin distracts Percy I can have Annabeth all to myself. Annabeth will fall for me and Percy and Erin can do whatever honestly I don't really care.

"What if I distract Annabeth and you distract Percy?" Erin's eyes lit up at my words. You could practically see the gears moving in her head as she came up with a plan to mess with Annabeth and Percy. I was not losing to him. Not going to happen. Not surprisingly Erin is incredible at scheming and going behind people's back. If you could have a career in it she would be rich. We started with some basic research, just stalking Percy on social media. Pretty quickly we found useful information. Specifically how good Percy was at Greek, (of course he is) coincidently Erin was awful at Greek. Perfect. 

"You can get him to tutor you!" 

"Yes! Good idea." We ended up not studying at all that afternoon, just making plans but it was well worth it. Even if it meant I would fail my next math test, it didn't matter. I was practically guaranteed to end up with Annabeth, our plan couldn't fail.


Okay, today is the day! -E

I know I know you better not mess this up! -N

I placed my phone back on my bedside table. Erin and I had come up with the perfect way to keep Percy away from Annabeth. I could barley sleep last night. Annabeth was the only thing in my head. I imagined our future together, our wedding, our kids. Today was the day I would ask her out finally. I knew she liked me, it would be easy. Or at least that's what I kept telling myself. God, I am so nervous. What if she says no? That's impossible, right? 

Another problem, I had no idea how I was going to ask her. Obviously I would do it when Percy wasn't there but what should I say? I got up and walked towards my mirror. 

"Hey Annabeth, would you want to go out with me?"

Maybe I should try a more casual approach.

"Annabeth, wanna hang out?"

Hmm no that's no good.

"Hey Annabeth, do you want to go to the movies tomorrow?" 

Yes! Perfect, not too formal or direct. Now that I had figured that out I could truly grasp how I looked. God I was a mess, my black hair was sticking up in the most random places, I had toothpaste on my pajamas and my breath smelt like death. I had to fix this. I combed my hair putting a bit more wax in then normal, I brushed my teeth and changed into a pair of blue jeans and a grey hoodie. (One of Annabeth's favorite colors) I looked more 'dressed up' than usual but not enough to seriously notice. 

I practically skipped the whole way to school. I'm so excited. I'm finally going to be dating Annabeth. I started walking towards the west wing when I noticed Erin, Annabeth and Percy (ugh) in the west wing. They were all standing in a circle. Even from down the hall I could see Erin had the same idea as me. Her outfit was much more fancy then normal and she was wearing way more makeup that usual. Annabeth looked as stunning as always and Percy stood in all black. (Weirdo.) Percy and Annabeth as always were standing so close to each other. Could he leave her alone or was that not physically possible for him?  

"Hey Noah." Erin waved. I smiled back and half walked half jogged up to her. 

"So... you ready." I whispered. Erin nodded a mischievous smile spread across her face but was quickly replaced with a much friendlier, flirtatious one. 

"Hey Percy." She smiled, now standing next to him.

"Hi.. Erin?" 

"So... I heard you were really good at Greek and I'm kind of failing so I was wondering if you would help tutor me?" 

"Um.. I'm really not that good at Greek." A soft laugh escaped Percy's lips. 

"Don't be silly, you're so good at it." Erin giggled punching his arm softly. Annabeth's eyes became so big they looked like they were going to pop right out of her head. 

"I mean I guess I can, but just so you know, I'm really not that good." Percy caved. 

"OMG thank you, you're literally the best!" Erin almost screamed, jumping to hug Percy. Both Percy and Annabeth looked very uncomfortable. What's wrong with him? Erin is really pretty he should be grateful but Percy didn't hug her back instead he kind of just stood there. Erin released her arms from around Percy sending him a small smile. 

"Annie, you don't mind giving me Percy's number later so he can tutor me right?" Annabeth cringed. She hated nicknames. But she nodded anyway. Percy kept staring at Annabeth but he had a hint of guilt in his eyes. What was his problem?


"Hey Annabeth!" School had ended and Percy was no where to be seen. Erin had kept him busy studying. Thank god. I would finally have a chance to ask the girl of my dreams out. She had her face stuck in a book but looked up to me

"Oh hi Noah." Annabeth's smile was my favorite thing in the world and receiving one made me get all nervous. 

"Um I actually wanted to ask you something." She kept reading but I could tell she was listening

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tomorrow afterschool?" She didn't look fazed? She didn't even look up from my book. Did she hear me?

"Oh who's going?" Ok so she heard me but clearly didn't get the memo.

"Um.. just you and me if you want that is." This caused Annabeth to stare straight at me. The book no longer her main focus. Her face looked shocked almost disgusted. Huh? What did I do?

"Sorry I- you see- I'm- just really busy tomorrow so I can't." WHAT?! It's okay Noah take a deep breath.

"How about Thursday or later in the week?" The hope in my voice was a little too obvious. 

"Right- well I'm just- really busy- you know, sorry." She blurted. Shit. Was this her turning me down or was she really just busy. God I had to get out of there. Shit. 

"Noworrieswhatevermabyeanothertimeorsomething" It was like I had vomited my words out but I didn't wait to see her reaction, quickly spinning on my heal and speed walking down the hall in the opposite direction. You know what it's okay. She was just busy. I'll ask her another time but I'll make it a bit more clear then. That way she'll know I'm asking her out. She was probably just confused...right?

Hello! Thank you to everyone for reading. You have no idea how happy I get when I see someone new has read or commented on my story!

I hope you like this new chapter! I hate Noah as a character but it is actually really fun to write from his perspective. The next chapter will probably be from Annabeth's POV but I'm not quite sure yet.

If any of you have any suggestions, requests or feedback please let me know cause I would love to hear them. :)



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