late nights with luke:

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**rewritten/edited 08/12/2021

hey y'all!! hope you enjoy, the wjc is on tonight, it's canada vs usa, and i'm rooting for america!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

anyways, i hope you guys like this one, love you all and stay safe!!!💜💜

•you would be chillin' at either of your houses

•you would probably binge watch some series on netflix or you would both just watch a bunch of stupid movies

•once you both get bored, you would have to find something else to do

•if you were at your house, luke would make you put a face mask on him

•he would let you put it on him and if it began to burn he would immediately take it off

•it was a peel of mask and he would be such a baby and wouldn't be able to get it off himself, he would be complaining about the pain the entire time

•you would have to be the one to rip it off of his face, while he's doing all the whining

•if you were at his house, he would probably force you outside in the cold winter weather to play some hockey with him

•he would grab you 2 (two) of his thick hoodies and would make you put them both on before you both even stepped foot outside

•he would tie your skates for you and would let you score on him

•after you both calm down from the nights activities, you would both get in either your car or luke's car and drive around

•you would be blasting throwback music and would be driving all over town

•you would probably stop somewhere for some food or maybe some ice cream

•luke would be driving and you would be in charge of the playlist

•you would both be screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs

•if people still have their christmas lights up, the two of you would drive around different neighborhoods looking at them

•you and luke would be driving around for a couple of hours before you both head back to one of your houses

•you would spend the rest of the night, in bed, cuddling with one another

wc: 368
hope you like it!🤩

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