soccer game

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**rewritten/edited 08/23/2021

hey y'all! this imagine is about you being a soccer play and getting hurt, fair warning, i know nothing about soccer, so, i tried my best!!

this was requested by: tay67b i hope you like it!

you let out a sigh as the game was about to begin. you were a soccer player and luke and a few of his friends were coming to your game.

you and your teammates had finished warmups and your coach had already given you all a pep talk.

you knew that the other team played really dirty and you were a little nervous.

your boyfriend of a year, luke, was in the bleachers when you looked over. he was holding a sign that had your last name and your jersey number on it.

he was surrounded by a few of his friends who had also accompanied him to come and watch you play.

the ref blew the whistle and the game began. you ran down the field and were shoved to the side. you looked over to see one of the girls from the other team and you rolled your eyes.

"what's the matter? can't handle it? not tough enough?" she chirped you.

you ignore her and walked away. the ball was coming towards you and you kick it and ran with it. you were running down the field and you could here the distinctive sound of your boyfriend cheering for you. you had made it right in front of the other teams net and you pulled your leg back to kick when suddenly you were pushed from the side and you fell onto your ankle.

the referee blew the whistle and the game stopped. you were laying on the field, holding your ankle in pain.

you let out a little whimper and throw your head back and shut your eyes. your teammates surround you, worried, and your coach comes running over to you.

"okay y/n, you've gotta let me help you out, i know this is gonna hurt. i need to pick you up okay? i'm gonna take you over to the bench and we'll figure it out from there, okay?" he reassures you.

you nod your head and gasp when he finally picks you up. he quickly brings you over to the bench and that's when you finally see luke running over to you.

"her ankle is broken, for sure. she'll lost likely need surgery, but i'm not 100% sure yet," your coach tells luke.

he nods and looks at you with concern in his eyes.

"are you okay? it's gonna be okay, i promise," he reassures you.

"i'm okay lukey, i'll be okay."

wc: 456
i hope you all like it!!💜💜

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