first date with luke:

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**rewritten/edited 08/01/2021, i can't believe it's august!! summer is almost over for me:(

(also, sorry i didn't update yesterday, i forgot🙃)

•so for your first date with luke you and him would both be so nervous

•he would want to take you somewhere nice but not too nice

•you would probably go to a movie

•he would pick you up from your house early and come up to the door

•your dad would open the door and try and scare him but you would come down the stairs and greet luke

•i feel like luke would have gotten you flowers for your date

•he would open the car door for you and hold your hand in the car

•luke pays for your drinks and popcorn/candy or whatever food you want

•would totally let you cuddle into his side during the movie

•after it's over the two of you might take a walk and look at the stars

•he would be looking at you while you're looking at the stars

•luke would pull you into a gentle kiss and admire your beauty

•the both of you would walk around for a little while longer before deciding that it's getting late and heading home

•he would walk you up to your porch/front door

•would kiss you again and promise to take you out on another date soon

•once you're in your house your parents/siblings would tease you about him

•luke's family would do the same

•ellen and jim glad to see their son so happy

•jack and quinn poking fun at him for being with a girl

•you both would text each other that same night before you went to bed

•you would say something like: 'i had a lot of fun today, hope we can do it again❤️'

•luke would look at his phone and blush so hard he has to put it down for a second

•he would pick it up again after he's calmed down and reply to you asking you out on another date that weekend

•you would be instantly agree and go to bed

•let's just say that you and luke both went to bed with wide smiles on your faces from the days events

wc: 380
have a good day!!💜💜

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