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**rewritten/edited 08/18/2021 (it's my bday!!!🥳🥳)

hey everyone!! i hope you're all doing well!!

i hope you enjoy this update that was requested by tay8tay

you and luke were laying in his bed, talking about how well he he had played at his last game.

"hey, y/n, why don't you ever let me come to your games?" luke asks you.

your head snaps up and your eyes go wide at the question. you stumble with your words.

"you've been to all of my games, why can't i go to any of yours? we've been together for 6 (six) months now. are you embarrassed of me or something?" he asks you, deflated, pulling away from you at the thought.

"no! not at all luke, i just, i don't know, how about you come to my next game, how does that sound?"

he nods his head but he still looks sad and confused.


it's now wednesday, your game day. you're on an all girl team and you are the captain of said team.

you had told luke that he could meet up with you after the game. your team had just got on the ice and the game would start in a few minutes. warmups were well underway and the chirping had already begun.

"hey y/n, who's your little boy toy in the stands, huh?" one of the girls from the opposing teams says to you.

you ignore her and the game begins.

the first period was pretty dry, no one had scored, and same with the second. that was until you scored on a power play, giving your team the lead in the game.

the other team was fuming on their bench. you were trying to get to the puck when suddenly a body slams into yours. you stumble on the ice, but you don't fall down.

when you turn around you see the person that hit you was the same girl who was making comments about luke earlier.

you raise a brow at her. in response, she throws her gloves off of her hands and motions to you.

you drop your gloves as well and throw the first punch. it hits her directly in the nose and you can hear an audible crack. she goes down and hits the ice. she gets back up and swings at you, you duck and throw another punch, this time your hand lands on her cheek. the refs break the two of you up and she goes into the locker room for her injuries and you go into the penalty box.

you skate over to the box and on your way, make eye contact with luke. he raises his eyebrows in confusion and you just shrug at him in response.

once you get out of the sin bin, you score again, and again, gaining you a hat trick for the books.

the game ends with the score being 3-0 (three to zero). your team heads to the locker room and gets showered and changed. after about 20 (twenty) minutes, you're finally done.

you push the door open, hockey bag in hand and you immediately make eye contact with luke.

he walks towards you and pulls you into a hug, a huge grin adoring his face. when you pull back, he takes your bag from you and puts it into his hand.

"is that why you never let me come to your games? because you fight? you're good too! you know what you're doing out there babe, for real!"

you blush and shush him, but luke just keeps rambling on and on.

"my little fighter, my feisty girl," he says to you, grinning from ear to ear.

you groan and push him, he just laughs and wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.

wc: 643
stay safe and healthy!!💜💜

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