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9th November 2019

Maisie couldn't pull her eyes from the blond boy, his eyes were wide with excitement, smile even wider.

She could see Niko shouting next to him, his arm around the boy's shoulder as they spoke ecstatically.

"Maisie, you good?" Cal asked her, nudging the girl's shoulder a bit as she seemed to be stuck in a daze.

"Yeah, yeah...is that Niko over there?" She asked, trying to cover her staring.

"Oh yeah, with Bog, he wanted you to be in his outro, get over there" He gave her shoulder a push with a smile and a wave," by the way we're having an after-party later, if you can you should pop by" the other boys waved goodbye as well as she went on her way.

She was sure that the invite had been an afterthought for Cal, his unsure voice through his slurred speech already told her that. But it was okay, despite the chance of the boy being there, she was definitely not attending. She couldn't leave Logan tonight.

She slipped through the crowd, her eyes still on Niko and the boy, who now seemed to have an alias.


Not exactly what she was expecting, but she was sure that was just a nickname. At least now she could put a kind of, name to a face.

She was only meters away from them now, away from meeting the boy she had been connecting with all night. Well, she thought they connected and she was desperate that he felt it too. A flight of stairs between them, nothing could stop her now.

Apart from a text, apparently.

'You can come now' a simple text from Mike which completely changed her plans. Without a second thought, she turned around, heading towards an exit on the other side of the arena, knowing that was her quickest way to Logan's locker room.

A locker room she was sure was full of regret and emotions. Maisie had to stand outside for a few seconds to compose herself, not wanting to say something wrong whilst trying to help.

"Logan..." she spoke, opening the door before knocking twice, her head already peering round.

"Mais..." he replied, looking up.

He looked crestfallen, his back hunched as his elbows rested on his knees. His head in his hands. Sweat still dripped down his forehead, his hair messed and knotted as if he had run his hands through it multiple times.

"I lost" was all he said as she got closer, sitting down on the metal bench next to him, her hand gripping his.

"You lost this fight, and you'll know to be better for the next," she told him.

"What next? You heard him yourself, he said he's done" Logan shook his head, thoughts running at a hundred miles an hour through his head.

"I didn't mean KSI, I mean the next person, whoever it is" He didn't reply, leaving Maisie time to look around the room.

Apart from depressed-looking trainers and a pissed looking Greg Paul, she saw camera capturing the action, or lack thereof.

Of course, Jake was taking this moment to himself, stood in front of the camera with crocodile tears running down his face as he rambled on, purely kissing his own arse whilst dragging his brother down.

"What's he crying about" a voice startled the two out of their silence, their heads raised to see Ray, still sipping on her drink, as she stared with disgust as Jake.

"He thinks this is Shannon's fault," Mike told her, his hand rubbing Logan's shoulder.

"Where the fuck's he pulled that from?" She shot back, rolling her eyes as she slurped up the last few drops through her straw, noisily sucking air at the end.

"He said he heard Shannon say that it doesn't matter if he loses because it's his first fight or something, I don't really know" Mike shrugged, offering Logan a bottle of water, but he didn't move.

"He's an idiot" Ray replied, placing her plastic cup down.

"Ray," the girl looked over at her best friends words, "not the time" she motioned to Logan.

She nodded lightly, walking over and leaning down in front of Logan, squatting with her knees pressed together so that she wasn't flashing anybody in her rather short dress.

"Nobody thinks less of you, Lo" she held onto his other hand, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles.

"Yeah, apart from the whole fucking world" he shot back, blowing air through his nose.

"I'm not going to take offence to that because you're angry," Ray mumbled, pressing her lips together, "but this fight doesn't determine the rest of your life"

"You've come back once, you can do it again" Mike nodded, "this isn't the end"

"You've got a whole career in boxing ahead of you," Maisie told him, staring at the side of his head, but his eyes were trained on the floor.

"Sure, if he doesn't lose again" a nasal voice cut in, Jakes pink face rounding the corner.

"Jake-" Mike started, only to be cut off.

"I said it last year and I'll say it again, if I was in that ring I would have won the fight"

Maisie knew that Jake was an arsehole, he had shown it both publicly and privately multiple times, but this was a new level.

Basically taunting his own brother in his face after a devastating night.

"Leave it out Jake" Ray shook her head, not even looking in his direction, "not right now"

But Jake saw a camera, and an opportunity for a title and ran with it, as he always did.

"I'm telling the truth, I can do what he can't, I won my match and -"

"Well done, you beat up an underdog and showed yourself to be an even bigger dick than everybody thought you were, whoopty-fucking-do" Ray spoke sarcastically, her head not turning still, "now shut up or fuck off, you're not helping"

Jake replied back, fighting a useless fight as all he achieved was hurting his brother more, somebody he should be caring for at this moment.

Maisie rubbed the back on Logan's hand, licking her lips as he gripped it tighter, Logan's head slowly turning to look at her.

"I lost"

Written: 7th January 2021
Published: 9th January 2021
This chapters a bit shit but we move

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