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10th November 2019

Maisie had seen Logan in a quite a few bad states, like the time his then girlfriend had broken his heart, only a week into her editing job.

Or when his dog, Kong, had died, that week wasn't pleasant for any of them, she'd even flown over from England to comfort Logan, and of course nobody could forget the suicide forest incident. Maisie had still been working for Logan at that time, however was in America and on a paid month off for the trip...which obviously didn't end well. That was the end of Maisie's time working for Logan, but that didn't mean she wasn't their to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

The same way she was laid right next to him now, his head on her shoulder, her hand stroking his hair, trying her best to comfort.

The two must have looked crazy; a six foot tall, blond Chad of a man, crying into the shoulder of a petite, blonde.

But there was nothing else Maisie could do but be there, she couldn't tell him he should of won, she'd seen the illegal punch after all - not that she was about to mention it - and she couldn't tell him that this wouldn't be held over his head for month, and she definitely couldn't tell him that Jake wouldn't be the biggest offender of this.

"Guess i'll need to step up" Jake had been tormenting him when Maisie first entered the hotel room, "I mean, one of us has to be the better brother,"

She'd almost rolled her eyes out of her head, wishing he'd be brave enough to get into the ring with JJ instead of his brother. If she'd learnt anything that night, it was that KSI was terrifying, especially when Ray was running her mouth.

"Leave it" Mike had argued back, only intensifying Jakes arguments. The blond childish man stepped closer to Mike, who could obviously fight and probably a lot better then he could, pointing a finger in his face and shouting, spit coming from the corners of his mouth.

"I won my fight-" he started again, Maisie rolled her eyes.

"Jake!" She had caught all of their attention when she walked in, "he doesn't need this right now, just leave it out"

He turned slowly, his eyes with a crazy glint, but Maisie couldn't bring herself to care. Trust, she had met a lot scarier and deadlier people than youtube jokeman Jake Paul.

Then she had met Logan's eyes, broken, unlike his brothers. As if he saw this as his end, after all this fight had meant so much to him for so long, and now here it was. All of the preparations for nothing, for a massive let down.

"He should have worked harder"

"Leave!" She almost shouted, calming her voice when she thought about the rest of the hotel guest's, Jake hadn't been so thoughtful.

"Don't come crawling back now, begging for his money," he looked down his nose at her, "thinking you can get some now he'd made his millions"

Everything was about money for him.

"Jake, mate," she spoke to him as if she was talking to a young child, " reckon if I were after his 'millions' I would have done it a few year ago, don't you?"

She could see the venom on his lips bubbling, his mind churning as he tried his hardest to string a sentence together, but just as he finally got a thought Logan stopped him.

"Don't be a dick, Jakey" he mumbled into the pillow, "Mai..."

That was also she needed to hear, ignoring the words from both Jake and Mike as she made her way to Logan, ultimately ended up in the situation she was in right now.

Steady breaths had come from the buff boy for the last twenty minutes, just enough time for the British boy she'd had on her mind all night to be changed and downstairs, staring at the elevator waiting for her, debating whether to text her or not.

All the while Maisie was inching her way out from underneath him, grabbing her phone on the way, pulling the blanket up to cover him, creeping towards the door, a guilty feeling in her stomach.

What kind of friend is she to abandon him at his lowest?

The type that was going to live for herself, just for one night.

Written: 26th May 2021
Published: 4th June 2021

Unedited ill do it later :)

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