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10th November 2019

"That-that's horrid" Maisie stumbled over her own words, eyes half-lidded and her body swaying as she glared at the boy in front of her, who was in no better of a state.

"The games the game" he shrugged, picking up both shot glasses, spilling a little onto his shaking fingers, passing one to her before counting down for them both to down their shot of Sambuca.

"You made a promise..." she reminded him as his mouth tingled, sucking in a breath as she groaned.

He only laughed whilst staring down at the struggling girl, his eyes scanning every part of her face, taking in every feature. The freckles dotting her nose, the flecks of gold in her deep brown eyes, the thin white scar on her chin, probably from a childhood accident.

He was intrigued by it all.

"I need something sweet," she said scouring the menu in her hand, using her finger to keep track of where she was, skipping past a few of the cocktails with a grimace, "ohhh... pornstar martini" she smiled brightly, sending a questionable glance in his direction.

He only nodded, despite not particularly liking the drink, he'd take anything at this point he was already in this deep.

"Right" he agreed, whilst flagging down the bartender, the same bartender that had been serving them for the past two hours and seemed to be bored of their antics, but really did love the tips that came with it, "we'll have two pornstars," he told the man before turning to speak to Maisie directly, "then we'll have to go back to the table"

It was true, they had been at the bar for an extraordinary amount of time, but every time one of them suggested going back the other would suggest another drink, it was a long cycle that was yet to be stopped. But when Maisie looked back to the table where he pointed she was stopped in her thoughts.

The table that held their group, surly only minutes ago, was vacant. All that was left was finished glasses and empty bottles. It hadn't been that long ago since she had looked over, right? There was no way that she'd loose her senses so much that she'd miss ten grown men leaving without them.

"Last orders, by the way," the bartender told them as he pressed down the orange glasses lightly before swiftly turning to get the accompanying shots.

"What'd'ya say, Mais, one more for the road?" Her head whipped round to catch his lazy smile, his eyes slowly wandering from the glasses to her.

"I don't think you can hack another" she smirked, picking up the glasses and starting to drink it, pouring the shot in halfway through so that she could call it an all in one, "can you?"

It was taunting, she knew it was. All night they'd had this energy between them, the energy that said more than they ever would. Their eyes spoke louder than their mouths ever would.

He didn't speak, instead, he copied her actions, spilling a small drip from the side of his mouth, but his tongue darted out to catch it before she could challenge him on it.

"I don't think this bet is going very well" he mumbled, flagging the bartender one last time to deliver over a few shots each, "one of us was meant to be gone by now" he swayed in his seat, eyes never settling and words mushed together.

"I think one of us is gone" she quipped, though she was in much the same state. Maisie was sure that if she tried to stand she'd fall quicker than a lead pipe.

"The bets not finished yet, no ones guarantee anything" he stumbled over the bigger words, making her laugh, but her expression soon changed as six shots were placed in front of them.

"If this is sambuca I swear down-" but the cheeky smile on his face told her all she needed to know. Of course, he picked their last drink to be sambuca.

"I mean... if you can't hack it" there it was again, that same tone he had been using throughout the night, one to tease her and keep her undecided about his company, the one he'd use to get her to do anything.

And it worked.

Three terrible tasting shots later and Maisie was worse than ever, swallowing deeply to try and rid herself from the taste, Harry doing the same.

They didn't even have time to come to terms with the shot before being ushered quickly out of the club, realising that they were the last ones there.

Written: February 17th 2022
Published: February 22nd 2022
These updates will be few and far between but they're coming
Edited this chapter bc i wrote it at 5am and the opening made no sense lol

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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