Chapter one

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Jennifer's POV

" Bye JIll see you guys tomorrow" I said to my friend Jada. " Bye, Jen you better be safe now" she replied. "Ok I will" was my last reply before I worked out of my workplace. I am a waiter at this family restaurant, the work is good for me, and it makes time fly really fast. As soon as I got outside I was beginning to freeze to death -34 degrees outside in the middle of January. It just started to snow as I was walked down the freshly shoveled sidewalk.I soon had thoughts of News coming back to me.

How people every year would count down from 10 seconds before the new near. BUt, I didn't do that this time for once,finally after 6 months of college. New years was a blast for me and a very bad hangover.


I was at my new year's party with some people I know, we were celebrating 2015.

I was wearing a new purple and silver dress that went to my thighs with silver pumps. The music was blaring so loud we had a few noise complaints. We were lucky the police didn't come yet.

Everyone was having a good time and a drinking,but not me. I didn't want to have a crazy night then blackout, and next I know I wake up regretting something.

Little Did I know....

At about 1 am. I was pulled into a group of people and had a beer thrown into my hand. And people started to cheer me on. ".....chug, chug ,chug...."

Then i heard "She's a wimp"....."....C'mon don't be a chicken....". Looking down at the drink hesitating if I should or not,finally I gave in and started to drink the beer. Everyone started to cheer me on. I didn't want to embarrass myself by being scared so I chugged down the rest of the beer and finished in seconds.

Beer after beer, I was getting dizzy by the second.People were still surrounded around me and kept cheering me on. I had too much to drink I could barely walk on my own two feet then everything went blurry and I blacked out.


I woke up in my dorm room and the sun shining in my face. My eyes burned from the light so walked out of my bedroom and to the living room,all the way to the bathroom. Then I puked up my guts. After about an good half hour I was finally done.

I smelled so bad that instead of taking a shower I took a good bath, after my bath I wrapped myself with a towel and headed to my room. I stopped midway and saw a note hang on the wall more like a letter. It said...

Dear Jennifer,

I know that you don't know me but I saw you at the New Year's party and you had too much to drink so I decided to take you home, which your friends helped me with.We had a really good time together :)

Sincerely, Anonymous

P.S. You should already know who I am,or at least remember.

An anonymous guy, "huh" I thought I met a guy that I don't remember I felt really bad about that.

*End of Flashback*

After that day I didn't drink again I felt really bad about that guy and I tried looking for the guy after I got done from work that day. I asked Sandy and all I got was a guy 6 feet tall with sandy-brown hair and that was it. I Wish I could have meant him because he seemed really nice. I never got his name too.

"Brrr..." I said as I walked in the cold snow.Trying to cross over the snow covered grass that is about 3 inches of snow. You see my car broke down about a week ago and now it is snowing outside, the only way for me to get to work is to walk from my dorm room and too work which is about a mile away. I go to Northwestern university, one of the best colleges in the country. I'm a freshman here and I just turned eighteen.

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