Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ethan's POV

"What happened"I stared at the only 2 witnesses that I could get to tell me where jennifer was.They were scared of who I was. I can smell it in my fear but, right now I wasn't worried about them I was worried about my mate.

My wolf has been yelling at me about how stupid I was about not marking her or anything. But,I ignored him because I have been wanting to taking my time with it with everything going on.

"W-we saw two guu-u-ys dressed in all b-black take them" The blonde one stuttered. They had tears streaming down their face making black smudges from their eyeliner.I flinched my finger and they were escorted out of the room.

I sat at my desk and tried to think about all of the possible people who could've taken her. a map was drawn out for me showing the nearest territories, and the nearest rouges which were none at all.

I couldn't do it anymore, i lost her, me and my wolf started to break down. We can't go long without our mate with use mated or not.


I turned around and saw my second in command with a letter in his hand. I took it immediately and opened and read it.


Dearest Ethan,

By now you would have given up the search for your mate,Jennifer. but, since you are reading you didn't budge at all. Well to get to the point I have her and your unborn child. If you want to see them again then you have to follow these riddles and in the end you will be reunited with them.

Sincerely, Your enemy


I crumpled up the paper from anger, the enveloped was wide open another piece of paper fell out.

Which read.....

If you don't ever find them then I'm taking your mate and I'm raising your child to always hate you. Now,Mr.Alpha I want you meet me at the territory.

The territory that you travel through the most,the territory which my daughter is from who is also in your pack and is with Jennifer.

Thats your hint,you have 2 days......

After I finished reading the note I shifted into my wolf and went for a run. I reached the woods and picked up my pace, miles later i stopped and ran on top of the rick and howled with my head held back. The howl I was making wasn't just any howl it was a howl of agony. Other wolfs started to do the same, they knew what that howl met,they all know that there is going to be the war that i have been trying to avoid....

Jen's POV

I have been in bed all day due to the morning sickness. I ate a little of the food while trying to ignore Jada for setting me up this way. She sat in the corner and just rocked back and forth. I got up and looked through the window that had bars. Looking at the moon I closed my eyes,then I heard a howl. The howl was from Ethan I knew he would come find me. Other howls of the pack had joined in, For once all day I felt hope of getting out of here.

He's coming for us! My wolf nearly yelled.

I turned to Jada and went to corner where she was, she had dark circles under her eyes and she had tear stains on her cheeks. I soon felt sad again she missed her mate and I knew it. When we get out of here then I need to get her mate out too.

Hearing keys being rattled I slowly backed into the wall and waited for him to come. Her dad came in without saying a word and grabbed my wrist nearly crushing it and pulled me out of the cell. I looked at Jada one more time before she disappeared out of my gaze. We walked down the dark hallways. The only option was to keep walking or have my wrist crushed even more. We made it all the way up to the the top and brought into a kitchen but, we kept walking.

I could hear people fighting all over,some were growls others were squeals which quickly went away and big breathe would be heard then nothing else after that from the wolf. There was many wolves between his pack and our pack. AS we were heading towards the back two wolves with both dark fur were coming into view they stopped in front of us and sat down.

"Make sure he doesn't make it this way,lead him off" He said. THey nodded and trotted off.

Starting walk again we started to head to a black SUV. I knew what was happening now, he was taking me somewhere else so me and Ethan can't be reunited with each other. I tried to pull back from him but, he just tugged at my arm and kept walking. There was 2 other men. He put me in the back seat finally letting go of my wrist that was now turning a slight purple. One of the men got in next to me and the other got in the passenger seat and we started to drive off into the night......

I was kidnapped by the alphaWhere stories live. Discover now