Chapter 8(Full Chapter)

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Chapter 8

Jen's POV

It has been days since the attack no one was killed but,some was injured. Ethan is still on top of where I go. Everywhere I go he has his beta or gamma following me which is really annoying.

I'm currently walking around the house trying to lose the gamma, everytime I turn a corner,half-way to the next turn he shows up right behind me.

It has been almost 2 hours I have had enough of this i stopped in my tracks and waited for him to come up behind me. THe nI quickly turned.

"What!" I nearly screamed,poking the veins in my neck out.

"Sorry Luna but, it's Alpha's orders."

"I don't care about his orders. JUST.STOP.FOLLOWING.ME.NOW" I was so mad that steam was blowing in my ears and my eyes were glowing.

I turned my head to the house when I heard a loud growl coming from the third floor. It seemed like it was Ethan's office.

He came running from the house over to me. I started to back away and tripped and was about to fall until two strong arms caught me. I knew it was Ethan.

"What is the problem"

"Ethan," I turned to him breaking out of his grip. "I want this to stop now, I want to be independent and go places by myself"

"Jen" He moaned. "I'm trying to protect you and the baby" He whispered to me.

I can't believe I totally forgot that I was pregnant, I mean it's barely noticeable since I'm only 1 month pregnant.

"How about this" Ethan said,breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You go shopping with the girls,no boys at all,I promise and-" He pulled out his wallet and gave me his credit card,almost placing it in my hand.

"You will use my card to buy anything you want,but, remember I want a full fashion show of what you buy" while finishing his sentence he winked at me.

I tried to take the card from him but, he lifted his arm up in the air.

"First things first' Ethan turned his and pointed to his cheek.

"FIne" I said then was leaning in to kiss his cheek, but instead of kissing his cheek I kissed him on the lips.

I tried to break away but, he pulled me more into the kiss. I finally broke it trying to catch my breathe.

"You little trickster" I said smiling back.

He smiled back showing off his dimples and leaned in to kiss me. BUt, I broke into a full sprint to the front of the house we the garage was.

All 3 girls were here and was waiting for me. I was running to them but someone stoped me.


"You think you can run from me with giving me a 'goodbye for now kiss' that will hold me over until tonight"

I decided to be smart so I said"Yes I did" I chuckled at the end.

"Well can I please get one" He pouted giving me the puppy dog face.

"I gave in and kissed him back. This kiss was more passionate and lasted longer.

We were interrupted by the beep of the car and we broke away after one peck on the lips.

3 hours later

Me and the girls were finally done shopping and were holding tons of bags. Jada had the most only because she had a little something for her mate if you get my gist.

The other had to go home so it was me and Jada at the food court eating food.

"So are you and Ethan,doing the nasty yet"

I nearly choked on the fry I was eating. I knew me and him had sex on New Year's because I can feel that he's the father even the tiny bundle in me can.

"Not at the'-"

I stopped talking when a gun went off everyone started to scream. There were about 12 men dressed in all black and had ski masks on.

The all were werewolves, from their scent. Jada and I ducked under the table hoping they wouldn't notice us. But,apparently they did and 2 of them came at us with a gun propped on their shoulder. I knew this couldn't be good until one of them shot at me.


I was breathing very heavily, I looked over at Jade and she was perfectly fine. that could only mean one thing

Looking down I was shocked by what I saw...

I was shot with an tranquilizer, the 2 men in front of us was staring at us waiting for something to happen.My eyelids were getting heavy and were becoming too hard to keep open. My body went into a deep darkness.

Jade's POV

I looked over at Jen and saw that she was fully unconscious. I looked towards my mate. I was roughly pulled by him and he took both of us to the car. Getting in the passenger seat while Jen was but in the truck and was tied up.

Taylor,my mate got in the driver's seat and started to drive out the parking lot,while taking the ski mask off.

"How much did you give her"

"I gave her just enough to knock her out for about 4 hours,why?"

"I told you not to hurt her, that's why",I nearly yelled."

I was breathing too hard from the anger I was feeling right now.

"Relax babe, all we have to do now is take her back to your dad, then he will stop hating me and we could be together"

My father is the alpha of the rival pack, when me and Taylor met we were forbidden to mate with each other. I would sometimes sneak off and see him,until I got caught.This is where the deal comes in,if i bring Ethan's mate to my dad than me and Taylor can have the life that we always wanted.I took a deep breathe.

"Ok fine"

After driving for so long across the territory,that is deep into the woods, in the cells that every pack has.

Two men came and carried Jen who was still unconscious to one of the cells.We held each other's hands until we reached the doors to my Father's office.

"Are you ready"

I nodded my head and walked in. The lights was all off the only light was the fireplace which dimply lit the room. The alpha was sitting at his desk doing paper work,he didn't seem to notice us until I broke the silence.


He stopped writing and looked up at me with a larger grin on his face. Pushing the chair back he came towards me and looked down at me.

"Is it done?" he asked me in a soft tone.

"Yes,Father, I did everything that you asked of"

"Good girl, and nice job Taylor I have underestimated you"

"Thank you sir"

Clapping his hands together 6 men came into the room.

"Well now that I don't need neither of you"

The men grabbed at us and two of them shocked us bringing us to our knees.

"Why, we did everything you asked us to do" I pleaded.

"Jade I don't need you anymore you're useless"

I screamed at him at the top of my lungs as we were both dragged out to the cells. Taylor was put in a different cell than I was. I was placed with Jen who was wide awake. What did you do Jade.....

I was kidnapped by the alphaWhere stories live. Discover now