Chapter 23: The Distant Fire Lord

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A few days had passed since they had successfully completed their raid on the Earth Kingdom bandits hiding in the abandoned mine. King Bumi had the bandits questioned, and it was confirmed they had been responsible for the attacks in Omashu and the southern water tribe.

Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Zuko all agreed they needed to go to Ba Sing Se and track down Jet before he could set in motion whatever he was planning. Sokka noticed Zuko had been keeping his distance and not talking to him much and he didn't know why. He had tried to talk to Zuko about it, but his friend brushed him off and went to his room.

"We'll take Appa so it will only take us half a day to get to Ba Sing Se from Omashu," Aang explained as they examined a map of the Earth Kingdom. He also told Sokka about how the lower ring of the city had become lawless due to the death of the Earth king, and that even the middle ring had become more dangerous since they had lived there last.

Zuko had been absent from the meeting, claiming he had Fire Lord business to attend to with King Bumi, who had returned from stopping the attack on the walls of Ba Sing Se. Sokka didn't buy his excuse, but he was too tired to challenge the Fire Lord.

When they finished discussing their plans, Aang asked Toph to go find Zuko so they could depart. Once she had left the room Aang asked Sokka, "Do you know what's going on with Zuko? He hasn't been taking part in our meetings and he's hardly talked to any of us."

"To be honest I don't know what's gotten into him," Sokka admitted. "Ever since we got here he's been acting strange. He won't even talk to me."

Before Aang could say anything Toph returned with Zuko and the group made their way towards the stables where Appa had been relaxing for the past few days.

"Good to see you again buddy," Sokka said and petted the furry Bison, who in return gave Sokka a big lick.

Aang guided Appa out and loaded their bags onto the Sky Bison. Zuko took a few steps back and said, "I won't be joining you on Appa."

"Why not Zuko?" Aang asked with concern. Zuko looked away and replied with difficulty, "I uh... I don't want to leave my war balloon here unattended. I'll take it and meet you guys in the upper-ring of Ba Sing Se."

He was acting really strange and Sokka wanted to get to the bottom of it. They could not face Jet if they weren't united.

"I'll come with you," Sokka said and retrieved his bag from Appa's saddle.

"Uh, I don't know," Zuko said avoiding making eye contact with Sokka, "you can just go with Aang and Toph and I'll meet you there."

"I think it's a great idea for Sokka to go with you Zuko!" Aang interjected to Sokka's relief.

"Alright then," Zuko replied monotonously and began walking off towards the palace gate. Sokka looked up at Aang who shrugged.

"Can we get moving already?" Toph complained, "my feet already miss the ground and we haven't even taken off yet!"

Aang waved goodbye and Appa took off into the sky. Sokka ran to catch up with Zuko who had quickened his pace.

"What's going on with you?" Sokka asked again. He was getting more than a little irritated that Zuko was ignoring him and actively trying to avoid him.

"Nothing!" Zuko said in a harsh tone that made Sokka flinch. He was acting out of line now.

"What's your deal? Ever since we got to Omashu you've been ignoring me and now you're yelling at me?" Sokka asked, his voice raising to get the point across.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Zuko shouted at Sokka, "You obviously enjoy spending time with them more than you do with me. Every time I've tried to talk to you you've been talking to Toph or Aang, and when we were fighting the bandits you never asked me for help, always the two of them!"

Sokka didn't realize Zuko had tried to talk to him. He missed his friends so much he took every chance he got to catch up with them. He never meant to make Zuko feel left out or rejected.

"Zuko," Sokka said, his voice now softer and more hurt, "I didn't mean to block you out. It's just, I haven't seen Aang or Toph in so long and I missed them. I didn't realize I was really the one ignoring you."

A single tear fell down Zuko's scar and it almost moved Sokka to tears too. They had grown close over the past month, and it hurt him to see his friend feel like this.

"I guess we both messed things up by not talking about this sooner," Zuko said quietly.

"Yeah, we did," Sokka said and looked up from the ground and to Zuko, "but we're talking about it now and we can make things right."

"I'd like that," Zuko said and met his gaze. The two started walking again, talking through their misconceptions, rather than avoiding them.

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