Chapter 36: The Disappearing Temple

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A messenger hawk was perched on the doorknob of Sokka and Katara's house when Zuko got back. A letter was attached with the Fire Nation insignia on it, putting a damper on the happy mood he was in after speaking with Sokka's dad.

He gently removed the letter from the hawk, who flew away to the north as he opened the envelope. The letter was written a penmanship so neat it could only be from one person.

Dear Zuko, 

I hope your journey to the south has given you peace of mind and perspective. As I have taught you, the people of the water tribes value family above all else. I hope your friends can see that same trait in you. I wish I could bring you good news, but unfortunately there is a new threat to our nation. A fire sage temple in the north has vanished, along with the fire sages and their students. I fear if we do not find them soon, we may never find them. I am sorry you must end your trip so soon, but the time has come to prove yourself once more to your people.

With love and good tea,


Zuko hand that was holding the letter was shaking slightly by the time he finished reading the letter. How could an entire temple full of powerful fire sages just disappear?

He looked in the envelope and the tension in his forehead eased at the sight of a small cloth pouch filled with strongly aromatic tea. His uncle sure knew how to make bad news more bearable. Zuko placed the letter back in the envelope and stuck it in the inner pocket of his coat.

When he walked in the house everyone was sitting in the living room in front of a warm fire playing pai sho. Sokka looked over and waved before taking his turn.

Zuko walked over to the couch where Katara and Sokka were sitting. Sokka scooted to the left just enough so Zuko could sit between him and the armrest, something he suspected was intentional so they would have more physical contact.

After Sokka finished concentrating while thinking of his best move, he sat back and smiled at the firebender. The smile faded quickly, and he asked, "what's wrong? You look like a kid whose ice cream fell on the ground."

"My uncle wants me to return to the Fire Nation at once," Zuko said and sighed. "Something happened at one of the fire sage temples, everyone disappeared along with the temple without a trace"

The others looked up with confusion written all over their faces at this revelation.

"Hold on, you're telling me an entire temple just vanished and there's not even a speck of dust left?" Sokka asked.

"From what my uncle said in his letter, yes," Zuko said solemnly. He did not fully believe it himself, but his uncle would never lie about something like this.

"I'm obviously going with you," Sokka said with a look of determination in his beautiful blue eyes.

"We're coming too," Aang added. Katara nodded and Toph stood up and said a bit too enthusiastically, "Yeah I get to kick some more people's butts again! Going three weeks without a fight has made me stir crazy."

They all just stared in shock at the blind earthbender. She lowered her voice some and said, "What? No one was upset when I wanted to take on all the earthbenders who kidnapped me and Aang."

"She's got a point," Sokka said, resulting in him getting a stern look from his sister.

"It's settled then, we leave for the Fire Nation in an hour," Aang said. They all got up and quickly put the pai sho board away before heading off to their rooms to pack. Their time on the run made them expert at packing up their important things quickly, and in no time, they were ready to go.

"You guys don't have to do this," Zuko said as they loaded their gear onto Appa. The furry flying bison gave Zuko a big lick, leaving him covered in slobber.

"You're not getting rid of us that easily sparky," Toph said and punched him in the arm hard enough he was afraid he would find a bruise there later.

"Besides, there won't be another boat leaving for the Fire Nation until the festival ends in a few days," Aang said, climbing on Appa and readjusting the reigns. Zuko could not argue with his friends' points, so he climbed up onto Appa and sat next to Sokka.

"I just realized we didn't say bye to dad," Katara said while tightening her boots. Zuko felt his stomach twist into a knot. Chief Hakoda had just started to come around to accepting him and Sokka being together, and now he had made them leave without saying goodbye. He was so screwed.

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