Chapter 76: A Nation Divided

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The ground seemed to shiver under Zuko's leatherbound feet, the air felt uncomfortable bitter, and the strong sea breeze blew the baby hairs across his face. Soldiers flanked him on all sides, keeping a tight formation in case anyone in the crowd felt like taking an early shot.

Sokka was kept at the back of the balcony overlooking the main city square much to his disapproval. Zuko was willing to lay down his life if the situation became uncontrollable, but Sokka was something he refused to risk losing.

Iroh sat to Sokka's right and sitting next to him in specially designed handcuffs was Azula. Zuko hated seeing her in shackles, but it was less out of fear she would do something to him, and more to protect her from herself in case things got out of hand. She told him herself she would be the first to kill anyone who tried to hurt him but doing so would only taint the image of their entire family more.

"They are ready for you my lord," the provincial governor of the capital region said to Zuko once he neared the edge of the stone balcony.

The young Fire Lord took a long, deep breath, closing his eyes as he breathed out. The fire within him was fighting its own turbulent battle. The deep-seated anger he had successfully tamed was fighting a war with the inner peace he had found, and the fight was too close to predict.

Zuko walked slowly to the podium so as to not lose his composure. He needed those precious few seconds to prepare himself for what was waiting for him beyond the railing.

There was a thunderous roar emanating from the square, incomprehensible chants repeated like drums, tinged with frustration and anger. At the last second, he looked up from the ground, not to the people gathered below but to the mountains and bay surrounding the city.

The land was all their homes, it gave them protection from the elements, it fueled their cities with its geothermal heat, it provided them with fertile land for crops and sturdy soil for homes. It belonged to everyone, including all the people protesting the law.

"The Fire Nation has stood for hundreds of years, united in our love of the incredible land we call home. We stand here today amongst the work of our ancestors, and the work of our brothers and sisters today. Our parents, our grandparents, and all those who came before us spent their lives building a nation they could be proud of. We have just ended a hundred-year long period of a tainted version of the nation we all make up, and I promised you as your Fire Lord to begin to rebuild the Fire Nation into a just and equal society where freedom is a right to all. I meant what I said when I made that promise, and unlike my father and his father before him, I work not only for individuals one hundred percent loyal to my rule, but for all members of our society. I will make mistakes during my time as Fire Lord, but the law which so many protest is not one of them," Zuko was interrupted momentarily when the previously speechless crowd burst out in an outcry against his words.

"All people in the Fire Nation deserve to have a life free from unnecessary hardship, from fear of being attacked in the streets, or prevented from entering public spaces because of who they love," Zuko said, undeterred by the furious crowd, "If you are so threatened by the thought of meeting someone different then you, then we have lost what it means to be members of the Fire Nation. We are a nation where we help our neighbors in times of need, one in which stands proud as an example of progress. If we turn our backs on our neighbors now, we show the world we are no longer a nation of oppression. If we turn back on protecting each other now, we have lost the true war. From here on out there will be no more discrimination of those who want to love without fear. Take a look at the people next to you, at the children so many have brought today. What kind of legacy are we leaving behind for those who will come after us, because I assure you, they will not think kindly upon this moment in history if we chose hate over each other."

The anger and chanting that had swelled over the course of his speech was slowly getting quieter, and he could see hundreds of people were looking around them at their friends and neighbors, at the children being forced to see their families turn into people they were afraid of.

In that moment the tension in the air crackled and popped until it began to fade. Zuko finally let go of the breath he had held in, and with it came a relief to the war raging inside him.

A familiar presence graced him as Sokka took his place next to the love of his life. Their fingers brushed against one another's, but that was all the affection they risked. There would still be countless people against the expansion of equal rights, but it was a large victory, nonetheless.

"You did it," Sokka said and smiled at Zuko. The firebender shook his head and glanced at his boyfriend, "No, we did this together."

Zuko could tell Sokka disagreed with what he said just by how his expression changed.

"I never would have passed this law if you hadn't come into my life. I never would have had the courage to be a true leader for my people if you hadn't been by my side through it all. You opened my eyes in more ways than one," Zuko said, his barrage of positive affirmations overwhelming the once immature and annoying water tribe boy he had kicked off the ramp to his ship years before.

"I could say a lot of the same things about you," Sokka said, pausing for a second and then smirking as he winked. No matter what the situation was he could always make it into a dirty joke.

Zuko returned his attention to his people and said triumphantly, "Martial law ends today, and so does our nation's history of injustice and oppression of minorities of all kinds. I'm proud to be your leader, and I want to make sure the Fire Nation stands strong as a beacon of hope for generations to come."

The crowd burst into applause, and the once hostile chants turned to ones of patriotism and celebration. There would no doubt be difficult times ahead for people like Zuko and Sokka, but that day marked the birth of hope for thousands of people who had nothing to hope for before.

Zuko turned around swiftly, walking back into the government building side by side with Sokka and followed by his uncle, sister, and his guards. He couldn't help but smile like a fool knowing they had succeeded.

In his excitement he hugged Sokka tightly and picked him up, spinning him around in a circle before placing him back on the floor. Sokka blushed when he let go and said, "I haven't seen you this excited ever, not even when I told you I wanted to be your boyfriend."

"I can't help but be excited when we can finally go out in public without constantly fearing people finding out about us," Zuko said. He felt like he could take off like a firework.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Sokka said, bringing him back to Earth, "let's take this one step at a time. We will tell the world about us on our own terms."

Zuko's mood was brought down, he thought Sokka would be as happy as he was, but now he was backtracking.
"What I'm saying is we don't have to make a huge announcement just yet," Sokka said trying to rectify the situation, "but that does mean is we had better go on more late-night walks under the stars together."

Zuko smiled and picked his incredible boyfriend up again, but this time he just lifted him up and did not feel the need to spin. Sokka hugged him back tightly before kissing him once.

"Gross, I thought I was going to see some bloodshed today," Azula said and feigned gagging, "not two lovebirds getting intimate in front of me."

"You're just jealous I have a boyfriend," Zuko said and laughed, motioning for one of his guards to remove her handcuffs.

"I'll show you who's jealous!" Azula said and stood ready to fight.

"Calm down children," Iroh said and made the two siblings lower their arms, "let us fight over who gets the last bit of mashed potatoes, not over this momentous occasion."

Zuko, Azula, and Sokka laughed at Iroh's sense of humor, but they agreed it was time to celebrate over a homecooked meal. The only thing that would make it better were if their mom were there to celebrate with them, but Zuko was happy with the family he had, both biological and the family he had found through Sokka. They went off towards the carriages waiting to take them back to the palace, hoping countless people across the country would be celebrating too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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