Chapter 29: The Return Home

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The cool autumn air gradually grew colder as Appa flew over the mountain ranges once home to the southern air nomads. Momo was napping on Sokka's lap and it made the water tribe boy realize how much he had missed the flying lemur.

"Are you anxious to get back home?" Aang asked as he climbed from Appa's neck and onto the saddle.

"A little," Sokka said. There was so much he missed about his home, his family, the crisp winter air, snow fights with the younger kids and most of all, the food.

"It feels weird to go back there after such a long time," Aang admitted and the normal cheerfulness was absent from his voice. "Last time I was there I nearly brought about the destruction of the village."

"Aang, that was years ago," Sokka said which woke up Momo who hissed at Sokka before scurrying off to sleep on Appa's head. "Besides my people are grateful to you for ending the hundred-year war."

"I hope you're right Sokka," Aang said. The two boys stared off towards the south, both wondering what it would be like to return.


Appa landed just outside the newly constructed walls of the southern tribe, and to Sokka's joy his sister, dad and his gran gran were all waiting there for them.

"Katara!" Aang shouted and leapt down from his flying bison, catching his fall with some air bending. The two ran to each other and hugged, and if it hadn't reminded him of the fact that he couldn't do the same with Zuko he would've been happy for them.

He climbed down from Appa and walked over to the two lovebirds and sarcastically said, "Good to see you too Katara."

"Get over here you goof!" she said and hugged him so tightly he thought he would pass out.

"Sokka I'm so glad you're back," Hakoda said and gave his son a much gentler but still warm and comforting hug.

"Hi dad," Sokka said. The relief was surreal to see his family again after a few months away. He walked over and gave his gran gran a hug too, careful not to be too rough since she still was recovering from the bandit attack.

"It's good to see you again avatar Aang," Hakoda said to the young avatar. Sokka could see it in his friend's eyes that he was nervous to be around their dad.

"It is an honor to be welcomed to the southern water tribe chief Hakoda," Aang said and bowed.

"Please call me Hakoda," his dad said with a hearty laugh. Aang was being too formal around a man like Sokka and Katara's dad who had a soft side too.

The group made their way through the town the tribe had been constructing with help from the north, and there had even been a few new homes constructed since Sokka had left.

"It looks incredible Katara!" Aang said and she planted a kiss on the air bender's cheek.

As nice as it was to be back, Sokka couldn't help but feel lonely seeing Aang and Katara together. He tried to push these thoughts out of his head and instead be happy for them, but it was still hard on him. With Suki things were so easy, no one cared that they were together, and he could show his affection freely.

"It's a shame that nice girl Suki couldn't come down and visit too," his dad said and nudged him with his elbow. That made him feel even worse. No matter how many times he reminded his dad they broke up, his father felt the need to try and get them back together.

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